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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Is Katarina good? I bought Sivir now atleast I get some wins but still so fucking many quitters ruining my games.
Shall i buy Irelia or the new champion thats comming to League Of Legends...?? Any suggestions:p?
The new champion ofc.
New champion offers you new habilities and if you like fiddelsticks you'll like this Maokai the double than Fiddl.
lols to everyone who buys manamune on GP >.<

Uff... Woke up and now its close to 400 :(

Shaco > Katarina! (well... in my opinion :p).

Back-stab passive ftw. True frandz stab you in the back... for 20% more damage. :).


Meh, i got 9 kills by 20 min into game on shaco then 2 people on our team leave... but we still held them off for 50 minutes xD
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lols to everyone who buys manamune on GP >.<

Uff... Woke up and now its close to 400 :(


my friend, ill post that in the lol forum as a complain.
and im sure ill get a answer from a staff how it works that u got all time ip wins without reffer a friend =)

we will see, if its fake then ur a retard
if not fake, ill get an nice awesome answer
my friend, ill post that in the lol forum as a complain.
and im sure ill get a answer from a staff how it works that u got all time ip wins without reffer a friend =)

we will see, if its fake then ur a retard
if not fake, ill get an nice awesome answer

dont cry lol.
my friend, ill post that in the lol forum as a complain.
and im sure ill get a answer from a staff how it works that u got all time ip wins without reffer a friend =)

we will see, if its fake then ur a retard
if not fake, ill get an nice awesome answer


loul darkflame :p

go ahead ^^ people gonna say its shopped anyways :>
my friend, ill post that in the lol forum as a complain.
and im sure ill get a answer from a staff how it works that u got all time ip wins without reffer a friend =)

we will see, if its fake then ur a retard
if not fake, ill get an nice awesome answer

Here is your answer, Jealous & Angry
Hey dont cry mate... I said you a lot of times, he does the referal system thing but you dont believe me so it's your fault. ^^