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[League of Legends] General Discussion


btw who is Jesse Pierring?
Jesse Perring is like Chuck Norris in LoL

- When Jesse Perring enters a game, the Baron ragequits.
- Items in the shop pay Jesse Perring to be used.
- Jesse Perring's ELO is longer than pi.
- When Jesse Perring gets in range, turrets target themselves.
- When Jesse Perring uses Karthus's ultimate, several people in Asia die.
- When Blitzcrank uses Rocket Grab, he is pulled to Jesse Perring.
- Jesse Perring plays League of Legends with the monitor off.
- Guardian Angel armor is really Cloth Armor that Jesse Perring has touched.
- Jesse Perring uses Ashe's Frost Arrow to hit opponents in next week's game.
- Jesse Perring has gotten a dodecakill in a one-on-one game.

- Jesse Perring has kissed Skribbles on the mouth...with tongue...really...
Esta semana, unas horas, en algún momento.. algo grande se acerca, algo que nadie puede imaginar , sentir ni esperar... Algo que revolucionará todo, que moverá los cimientos de League of legends..

¿Qué puede ser? Habré perdido yo, Solapaine, toda consciencia de lo que me rodea? o estaré realmente impresionado por lo que en unas horas se presentará ante nosotros?

Mi mensaje es caótico, carente de sentido y está hecho para haceros pensar, tentaros e imaginar la conspiración mas increíble que podáis imaginar.

Podéis tacharme de loco, visionario o de loco de los gatos.... si queréis..
La carne está servida.
Posted by Solapaine 8h ago:
Algo grande se acerca..... - League of Legends Community

His text summary:
In some hours we will be releasing something epic, and something that will move all the grounds. In some hours something.
Wtf? How many riot points are we talking about Solapaine? xDDD
Se nos paga por crear Hype, por hacer que la comunidad realmente se muerda las uñas intentando saber que viene. La única forma de hacerlo es con posts como este.

Paciencia, esto no es como la separación de servidores.... esto no tardará meses; ademas , algunos en el foro de los USA ya están averiguando cosas e investigando mas detenidamente. En este tema del foro americano tenéis lo que mis compañeros de trabajo han ido posteando poco a poco.
Esta muy cerca, es algo que todos queremos, algo que todos deseamos. A alguno no le gustará , otros se sentirán decepcionados... pero la mayoría de vosotros volverá a tener confianza en Riot Games..

Some Riot tweets from yesterday o_o - League of Legends Community

Riot pay us to make for making hype, to make the community being interested and expecting for what is coming. The only way to do that is doing posts like this.
Patience, this is not like the server splits... This wont take months, in addition some users are getting the answer at the NA forums. (link /\)
It's near, it's something we all want, all we wish.

Maybe some riot points for us or just a free transfer.

Tournaments, clans, teams, ranked play, seasons, replays, observer mode, voice chat, additional maps and more! Check out some of the things we have planned for the future of League of Legends."
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lmao read this xD

In the HUGE thread concerning this topic Some Riot tweets from yesterday o_o - League of Legends Community the Riot employee "WhattayaBrian" released full information on the announcement that's supposed to be released later this week. This information was not given straight up, however. It was cleverly hidden in a unique code that I'm sure he thought was unbreakable. Sadly, he has never met the code cracking genius, Eggtart Chow.

WhattayaBrian is a play on words for the popular line "Whattaya buyin?" from Resident Evil 4. Whilst being a clever name, it's also part of his well thought out code. Resident Evil 4 was released on January 11, 2005. As we're all very aware, the Resident Evil series is famous for it's zombified foes. We all know that League of Legends currently has only ONE zombie champion in the game, Sion. January is the first month of the year. 11 is the date RE4 was released. Leon was the main character in the game. League of legends has only one female tank in the game, Leona.

So far everything is pulling together quite nicely, but what is it pointing to? In the thread mentioned earlier, Brian posted a whopping 18 times at the time I'm typing this. Obviously the number one is at the beginning of 18. There are 2 individual numbers in 18. 18+2=20. There are 3 main numbers we're looking at in this equation: 18, 1, and 2. Divide the sum of 18 and 2 by 3 (the number of main numbers) to get 6.66. Subtract that by one, Riot's obviously new favorite number, to get 5. This was the code given for the release date of the announcement. 8-5-2011. Friday, the 6th day of the week. The only reason we know the month is August and year is 2011 would be from Riot 100% confirming the announcement would be made this week.

Back to the mention of the one zombie champion in the game and the cleverly named female, Leona. Leona obviously has 2 abilities that are very similar to Sion's. They both have a stun and both have an exploding shield. If you take their two names and rearrange them, however, you get "No one lias". Say it fast and it sounds like no one lies. Why is this relevant? Let's ask Jozrael:

Originally Posted by Jozrael
We don't lie to you guys . We <3 you very much. Sometimes (like now!) we can't discuss things, and others we are mistaken, but lying? Not at this company.

The statement Jozrael made about lying holds true; Riot has yet to flat out lie. What's the one thing the majority of the community blames Riot for lying about, though? Magma Chamber. Is Magma Chamber coming out this week? No, it is not. It is another clue, however. If you notice the attachment, a magma chamber is located at the base of a volcano.

Who came out recently with a volcanic skin? That's right, Wukong did. Where's Wukong from? China. Is there a Chinese version of League of Legends? You bet your sweet ass there is. Now what is China known for around the USA? Chinese take out. Why is everyone at the Riot offices so excited for this announcement? It personally concerns them, as well. What am I hinting towards?

Riot Games will be opening the very first Chinese restaurant gaming cafe on Friday.

It was in front of everyone the entire time, you just have to read between the lines.

WhattayaBrian, you inadvertently spilled the beans on the big announcement this week - League of Legends Community

btw wise words:

"An ELO hell is when you get either 2 russians or just 2 mentally retarded players in your team each game."
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From what small info i can get about this super thing incomming (IM NOT saying its 100%) but i think a new game mode will be implanted called dominion.

If you google.com league of legends dominion graphics the first link is intresting, also when this was posted on reddit some Riot Employee posted in the thread aswell.

GameMode INC possibly.

On another note im playing with myR licq atm ^^

Here is a interview thing of riot emplyee VonGuard when he is drunk and spoiling all information:

[09:07:25] <VonGuard> hi [09:07:54] <VonGuard> so, i just got back from the Rio - Pastebin.com

[09:08:57] <VonGuard> dominion is a 5-capture point map, in a circle, with two real lanes and a central "jungle" with no npcs

[09:10:20] <VonGuard> you start off level 3
[09:10:36] <VonGuard> so, you start level 3, with different items available
[09:10:41] <VonGuard> new map, indeed
[09:10:55] <VonGuard> but rather than rebalanceing champions, they are rebalancing items
[09:10:59] <VonGuard> new items in new map
[09:11:00] <VonGuard> yep
[09:11:03] <VonGuard> new map, new game mode
[09:11:04] <VonGuard> very shot
[09:11:11] <VonGuard> nothign more than 30 minutes in Dominion
Getting closer to the answer... This seems to be the Domination map.


Also look at this Tryndamere Spotlight:


Watch the Minimap, New ping signal there.
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