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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Elo update ! : D
just a little mooar ! : <
@up use ignite
btw everyone playing in EUW join chat channel: Otland
and put join on startup
Greetings Nevalopo,

Certain in-Game activity on your account has been found to be in violation of the Summoner’s Code by the Tribunal.

The most common cause for this warning is either harassment or disruption of gameplay (intentional feeding, etc.). Bear in mind that the definition of harassment can range from direct, overt verbal harassment, to intentionally creating an unpleasant gameplay environment.

This is a friendly warning to encourage you to respect the Summoner's Code and contribute to the community in a positive light.

Thanks for your understanding, and best of luck on the Fields of Justice!

Summoner's Code: The Summoner's Code | LoL - League of Legends

You can read the Tribunal FAQ here: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/tribunal/faq

Terms of Use: Terms of Use | LoL - League of Legends

lold :D

I guess they do take racism hard :eek: (I pretty much spammed nigger every single game)

i wonder what would happen if i spam "League of legends suck dicks" in every game in 10 games in a row lololol
pls tell me... what do -.-
is udyr jungle not the right thing to do at under lvl 30 playing with bunch of feeders? really zero games where there are no feeders. This is not a fun game at all
so how do i win this, idk maybe i do smthing wrong but it seems fucking impossible if u get 3hit with thornmail.
1)our blue gets stolen cause even if i ask none of my teammates comes to protect/pull
2)im 2lvls behind and bot enemy vayne is 5-0
3)I cant gank bot cause my teammates are never above 25% hp and dont want to engage this extremely op vayne
pls tell me... what do -.-
is udyr jungle not the right thing to do at under lvl 30 playing with bunch of feeders? really zero games where there are no feeders. This is not a fun game at all
so how do i win this, idk maybe i do smthing wrong but it seems fucking impossible if u get 3hit with thornmail.
1)our blue gets stolen cause even if i ask none of my teammates comes to protect/pull
2)im 2lvls behind and bot enemy vayne is 5-0
3)I cant gank bot cause my teammates are never above 25% hp and dont want to engage this extremely op vayne

wat do? get lvl 30 lol