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[League of Legends] General Discussion

I am amongst the top 10 in the WORLD on evelynn. (INSERT PROUDFACE HERE)

Evelynn - Champions - League of Legends Statistics - lolking.net

Raided enemy's blue by myself, got a kill on their amumu, then ran around for a while and my mid and jungler came to help, ended up killing Amumu, Jax, and Karthus in the first 3 minutes of the game... Then I just facerolled on everyone. And yes.. Tristana support with those items, rofl.
doesn't matter at all,it is auto-detection on leaving a game..I bet the enemy team flamed each other anyways
no offense but no1 ever uses mobafire anymore and your guide probably wont be noticed. Also it is just a item build guide, Not any explanation of how to play or anything ^^

That's true, to be honest I just read the Runes,Items and Skillorder in any Guide because I play my way and not the way others tell me to.
That's true, to be honest I just read the Runes,Items and Skillorder in any Guide because I play my way and not the way others tell me to.

Well, the way that the guides work is that they give you a hint in how the champion should be played in the best way in the author's opinion.
doesn't matter at all,it is auto-detection on leaving a game..I bet the enemy team flamed each other anyways

The leaverbuster only detects you if you stand AFK ingame and dont disconnect from the game. If you do, it's up to Tribunal.

Also, he gets no elo.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, the way that the guides work is that they give you a hint in how the champion should be played in the best way in the author's opinion.

Only 900 elo players reads past item build unless it's some freaky secret tactic like invertedcomposer and Singed with bugged poison trail and shit