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[League of Legends] General Discussion

I'll try follow that thanks.

And yeah Lolaye, you gotta purchase it.. But im outta money on my paypal until next week.. & I wanna buy Shen :(
On tristana I rush infinity edge aswell, and then usually a bloodthirster for more damage and lifesteal, and then a frozen mallet. Also don't forget the green elixirs, they're awesome on tristana ^^


never get the aspd boots on ranged carries, get mercs instead
You wont get them for free, you will be able to play with them for one week then they are gone

Oh. I get what he means now :p

Just bought Evelynn, any ideas on good builds?
Just won my first game with Evelynn..

I assissted so many! .. There was Shaco and Akavli on my team too though, and Shaco was sticking with me :p

best match ive ever played :D!!
it went 20 min before first blood XD
Damn Donno who to buy when I got 6300 IP, Twitch/Miss Fortune, thinking of twitch really love both of em :s so hard! :( So I need ur help to decide which to buy, Cuz I love 'em both, so which do you think is funniest!?
Damn Donno who to buy when I got 6300 IP, Twitch/Miss Fortune, thinking of twitch really love both of em :s so hard! :( So I need ur help to decide which to buy, Cuz I love 'em both, so which do you think is funniest!?

Twitch. xD
Which one should i buy?, Mordekraiser,Shaco or Akali? I like everyone:D but dont know which one i should take:O
Which one should i buy?, Mordekraiser,Shaco or Akali? I like everyone:D but dont know which one i should take:O

Akali is free next week so try her then, Morde just dont buy him oooh fck op champion

so Either Akali or Shaco, Don't buy morde only if u wanna play OP shit champ. xD
Every game I've played agaisnt morde ive won .. :eek: