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[League of Legends] General Discussion


Irelia and some about magma chamber.
I think they should lower the dmg on Xin Zhao, hes fucking OP
He can kill everyone in like 2hits
I think they should lower the dmg on Xin Zhao, hes fucking OP
He can kill everyone in like 2hits

hes not op hes pretty easy to kill.. only way he can kill you really fast is if he is full dps and that way he is easy to kill. I build full dps xin usually and sure he is strong but he dies very easily
I think they should lower the dmg on Xin Zhao, hes fucking OP
He can kill everyone in like 2hits

Never had any problems playing against xin (Dont count the days when he came out he was so OP then :p) but now hes kinda balanced and yea easy to kill ^^
@ Macaronie

I'm not good with names of items.. But you'll understand what I mean..

1; 20+ Magic Penetration Boots
2; The purple tipped rod ( It's in Recommended Items).
3; Then build Zayon (?) Rings. ( The last Recommended Item).

But always try to buy the 1.6k rod first when building the Zayon Ring.. As it has +80 AP

This will give you Health (Purple Tipped Rod)
+ Alot of AP for alot of power.
@ Macaronie

I'm not good with names of items.. But you'll understand what I mean..

1; 20+ Magic Penetration Boots
2; The purple tipped rod ( It's in Recommended Items).
3; Then build Zayon (?) Rings. ( The last Recommended Item).

But always try to buy the 1.6k rod first when building the Zayon Ring.. As it has +80 AP

2. Item is Rod of Ages
3. Zonya Ring.

Well I go on Ryze in this order & this build (Im not good as ryze Dont like that hero but when I play him I go with this build)

1. 20+ AP > Mejai Soulstealer
2. Boots > Boots of Swiftness
3. Rod Of Ages
4. Void Staff
5. Archangel Staff
6. Zhonya Ring

* hawkshot
o passive component removed
o cooldown changed to 55/50/45/40/35s from 60s

* stats
o attack range reduced to 550 from 600

* stats
o health reduced to 536 from 556
o armor reduced to 12 from 18.3

* despair
o ap ratio increased to 0.02 from 0.01

* tantrum
o ap ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.5

* curse of the sad mummy
o area of effect reduced to 375 from 600
o root duration reduced to 1s from 2.5s
o damage over time removed, now deals 250/375/500 initial damage
o ap ratio increased to 1 from 0.35
o cooldown reduced to 100 at all levels from 170/150/130

* stats
o health reduced to 425 from 457
o health per level reduced to 78 from 82
o armor reduced to 12 from 17
o armor per level reduced to 3 from 3.5

* hextech shrapnel shells
o damage increased to 12% from 10%

* phosphorus bomb
o no longer reveals invisible units
o damage increased to 80/135/190/245/300 from 80/130/180/230/280

* missile barrage
o now applies on-hit effects to the primary target

* stats
o movement speed increased to 320 from 315

* courage
o fixed a bug in which the active component was not reducing damage by the intended amount

* nether blade
o now slows kassadin's attack target by 15% (30% while activated) for 2 seconds

* bouncing blade
o now deals physical damage
o now applies on-hit effects
o cast range reduced to 450 from 600

* ethereal chains
o reduced slow percent to 20% from 25%
o reduced root duration to 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2

* stats
o damage per level increased to 3.5 from 3.3

* prismatic barrier
o slightly increased missile speed

* finales funkeln
o range increased to 3500 from 3000

miss fortune
* double up
o bounce range reduced by 25
o bounce now prioritizes champions in range

* spiked shell
o armor to damage ratio reduced to 20% from 25%

* starcall
o damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 60/90/120/150/180


* zhonya's ring
o passive ap bonus reduced to 20% from 25%

* madred's bloodrazor
o magic damage on hit reduced to 3.5% of enemy's max health from 4%

* clarified trinity force tooltip

* fixed a bug in which bilgewater cutlass active wasn't dealing enough damage

summoner spells

* rally
o cooldown reduced to 250 from 270

ptr 6 november 2010. Patch notes.
i just made 680+ BP with ryze and when i used the ultimate i could 1 hit 3 people same time xD