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[League of Legends] General Discussion


What do you guys think (By the way, the IP, it was a boost since it was the first win of the day)
So what do you think abuot my stats @ that match

Personally dont like Yammu's. Sark's fevor is good though for yi. If your fighting a TON of mages, you may want a WE, takes 42 mana/hit unless its allready draind. Very affective especially with yi's 7th hit. Infinity edge, personally not a huge fan of it unless really late game against tanks... if they r squishy then dont really need to bother with IE.

Ill share with you how i play Master Yi.

I start out with rejuvination beads, grab 3 health potions and 3 mana potions. Early game for a few lvls you want to harras them. Get wuju style to start out with but then build 2 times into your alpha strike, then build into your W, some things people don't realize about master yi's W is that you can actually TANK THINGS AT LOWER LVL WITH IT! If, for example, you get trapped by a morgana's paralyze and she goes to use her sludge shit on ya, pop your W you heal her dmg and you take less dmg aswell and if your team-mate is near ya, well, go get'em tiger.

You can actually solo mid easly but i usually don't do it against ranged champs but i have done it against close-combat dps champs. Another thing is that attack speed+life steal and some more damage is all you really need for him. May need merc treads instead of your own preferd boots just incase (like this week) your up against stunners or taunters... like annie, ashe, rammus and others. I allways get Last Whisper, armor pen is AMAZING :) that with sark's fevor, is a tank destroyer. If however your up against a good tank, like... rammus! only attack him when hes out of defence curl, he is standing on all fours when in defence curl and if he has buffs they hover around his ass not his waist ;). When he gets outa defence curl that is your chance to strike, if you do have black clevar then that is your big ticket item because it reduces his armor very fast + your double hit will assist you aswell. I like bloodthirsters on Yi just because the lifesteal and damage will stack/champ kill... and more dmg and lifesteal is great? :) You may, or may not get a divine sword, personally love that item for kennen though :D (every 4th attack does bonus magic dmg of 100 dmg, then your 5th attack does bonus magic damage and adds a star... great combo with kennen!)

Offtop a bit but i always watch this during loading game xD
LoLaye congratulations for the IP you recieved for a match.
Today I earned 268 for a normal game without IP boost/first victory of the day... Nothing just a normal game without boosts and shits and 268 but check my stat.


Awesome... 30 assists. FTW...... OMG! I was destroying the towers alone without minions and without help, just with my equipment and my W spell (Rammus shield).
Attackers: The tower + Xin Zhao and they couldnt with me. Rofl'd with Rammus.

K cya.
akali is epic... i love her XD! she can do high burst dmg which is epic xp im doing AP build and doin great :D sometimes i like to buy a BF for the extra lifesteal, and hextech suits her well :D
akali is epic... i love her XD! she can do high burst dmg which is epic xp im doing AP build and doin great :D sometimes i like to buy a BF for the extra lifesteal, and hextech suits her well :D

never mix AD and AP with akali :( its horrible. Instead of adding a bf try adding another AP item and it will higher your chance to 1 hit them in a combo :> (Once you have the runes etc..)
why not mix AD and AP? i go 80% Ap though :<


this is what my build mostly consists of, at end of game i was doing 1.1k combos with Q. And i made a new account last night mainly been playing akali with the new account and let me say, the apponents had everything on ourside down except for 2 turrets and an inhib, our shen was decent and same with our ashe, annie was +/- not really fond of that champ period and our ryze... was a feeder. Let me say this, they did really good up till about 30 min ingame, then they started loosing, misserbly.

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1) Magma Chamber will be released before the year ends.

2) It will not be added into match making until March 2011 let alone ranked MM.

3) Magma Chamber will replace Summoners Rift as the premium 5v5 map once it goes into MM, there will be a penalty of 10% for playing SR just like how TT has one currently.

4) Magma Chamber will have different buffs/neutrals and will have a new map control/maneuverability feature and no brush but something similar.

5) Magma Chamber has 2 different skins currently.

This is all I know so far...

Posted by Sayan. Adjudicator.
MAGMA CHaMBER - Page 2 - League of Legends Community
I play Twitch usually and I always do the same build.
Berserker boots - Blade (1800GOLD) - Bloodness (Upgrade from Blade) - The dancer (3200 Gold) and that's all. That's enough to be a good exterminator.

See you!
and allways wait to use ur E, lategame it can hit HELLA hard dmg and has a long range, iv gotten several kills just because of it ;p
I play Twitch usually and I always do the same build.
Berserker boots - Blade (1800GOLD) - Bloodness (Upgrade from Blade) - The dancer (3200 Gold) and that's all. That's enough to be a good exterminator.

See you!

Blade , Bloodness? xD U mean Bloodthirster and Blade = BF sword?

@Czin, I know E spell ftw ^^.
Yes Niko I dont know the name of those items for that reason I wrote bloodness one and blade because I play in the spanish client so all the english lang is translated to english lang. :)
Personally dont like Yammu's. Sark's fevor is good though for yi. If your fighting a TON of mages, you may want a WE, takes 42 mana/hit unless its allready draind. Very affective especially with yi's 7th hit. Infinity edge, personally not a huge fan of it unless really late game against tanks... if they r squishy then dont really need to bother with IE.

Ill share with you how i play Master Yi.

I start out with rejuvination beads, grab 3 health potions and 3 mana potions. Early game for a few lvls you want to harras them. Get wuju style to start out with but then build 2 times into your alpha strike, then build into your W, some things people don't realize about master yi's W is that you can actually TANK THINGS AT LOWER LVL WITH IT! If, for example, you get trapped by a morgana's paralyze and she goes to use her sludge shit on ya, pop your W you heal her dmg and you take less dmg aswell and if your team-mate is near ya, well, go get'em tiger.

You can actually solo mid easly but i usually don't do it against ranged champs but i have done it against close-combat dps champs. Another thing is that attack speed+life steal and some more damage is all you really need for him. May need merc treads instead of your own preferd boots just incase (like this week) your up against stunners or taunters... like annie, ashe, rammus and others. I allways get Last Whisper, armor pen is AMAZING :) that with sark's fevor, is a tank destroyer. If however your up against a good tank, like... rammus! only attack him when hes out of defence curl, he is standing on all fours when in defence curl and if he has buffs they hover around his ass not his waist ;). When he gets outa defence curl that is your chance to strike, if you do have black clevar then that is your big ticket item because it reduces his armor very fast + your double hit will assist you aswell. I like bloodthirsters on Yi just because the lifesteal and damage will stack/champ kill... and more dmg and lifesteal is great? :) You may, or may not get a divine sword, personally love that item for kennen though :D (every 4th attack does bonus magic dmg of 100 dmg, then your 5th attack does bonus magic damage and adds a star... great combo with kennen!)

Thanks for the advices, i will use them next match :D

LoLaye congratulations for the IP you recieved for a match.
Today I earned 268 for a normal game without IP boost/first victory of the day... Nothing just a normal game without boosts and shits and 268 but check my stat.


Awesome... 30 assists. FTW...... OMG! I was destroying the towers alone without minions and without help, just with my equipment and my W spell (Rammus shield).
Attackers: The tower + Xin Zhao and they couldnt with me. Rofl'd with Rammus.

K cya.

Do you think i shall try Rammus?

Could anyone explain what AP and BF is?