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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Sona is going released at 21st september

About an Otland Battle:

If we will get 10 ppl we will gonna play tommorow

Maybe we should make another thread and make it in like a week or something, we'll hold tournaments.. sounds better.
Im in on the Otland Player battle as long as i can go agianst Nikodada :)

And.. About the name "The Magma Chamber" its not 100% its going to be released they said ^^ It was more like a suggestion.
Great guys! :)
If you are going to make a battle just PM me here and I'll get online:thumbup:

See you.
Nikodada, ah ok I thought it was coming out.
Can we make it for next weekend?

It gives a weeks notice for people also it gives me time to level a little more seeming as I'm only level 6 :p
If you haven't tried out this game and want to try it and cant be botherd making an account or leveling it a bit or something..., You can log on with theese account details on EU:
Account: otland
Password: otland123
P.S Please dont change passwords etc.. This is just for people who wanna try out the game. Then they can play this to test it out ^^
I'm interested for any of them ;] Im playing alot too so, I'm playing AP nidalee, AP gragas, Anivia, Karthus ;]

Can play Tank gragas too ofc ;P
I'm interested for any of them ;] Im playing alot too so, I'm playing AP nidalee, AP gragas, Anivia, Karthus ;]

Can play Tank gragas too ofc ;P

Kan du svara min fråga, om SD tack?

Translate: Very nice ;]
This week we'll be able to choose between:

* Ashe -1 (Each 2 weeks)
* Blitzcrank +1 (Not always unlocked)
* Kassadin +1 (The same as above)
* Sion +1 (The same)
* Soraka +1 (=)
* Veigar -1 (Each 3 weeks hes free)
* Zilean -1 (Each 2 weeks)
* Nidalee +1 (No comments)
* Vladimir +1 (Awesome)
* Miss Fortune +1 :)))
Nevalopo add my nick to the main post

IkeboDestroyer/IkeboDestroyer -> EU

Add me whoever needs some league of legends lessons, just kidding, but add me and let's rape!
I can easily counter his stun, so no need for mercury.

I agree with cake... A sion = a mercery treads for me atleast, On almost any char. There is no way you can "counter" sions stun on shaco.. Once you pop out you get stun in ur face and die. OR he hits you before u go invis.. u will be stunned while invis --> loose it --> die.. Only way to "counter" it is pop ulti when he launches his stun.. i doubt u have the reflexes :p

Merc Treads = WIN