• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Little open

Lol your retarded here is the list of people who were killing Daz

Saint Valliion
Sir druid~
Jack the ropper
dark fran
holly death
over reaction
lord pein
tibia master
pu din

Definitely only looks like 4 people
we make ue combo
.holly death
.dark fran.
.and me..no more on combo

my last post ;**
20 br's online at 5 am, they went to defense(br's) after royal died 2nd time lol
haha they werent pierce br's :p was my team, they dont know how to listen. dont rly care bout lvls :p was just swas and me vs 15+
Actually it was just me and Royal fighting them they started to hit Daz right after we killed the 260 knight and i started to say stop hitting them which they didn't listen to and resulted in 2 of there kids dieing right then. Which caused them to be like wtf and stop hitting Daz and it let him get out of Nightmares. Royal was the only one in vent that was there so he was the only who I could talk to instead of trying to type and give instructions which could have resulted in a ue script combo that I got away from. I had 5 frags and so did Royal, idk if Daz or Knight Freak had fragged anyone and I could care less either.

Our so called "BR Team" is an expression for random kids we recruit that love to kill and play the game so we send them to kill people when there to scared to fight us or just don't want to. The kids who were in Demona for Life were all friends and all Mexican they're not actually from Brazil

Saint Vailliion's team is also Mexican

If you want to know anything else just ask ;)
@ the cammer..

You got a shitty connection man... Buy a better connection before you post another boring movie ok? this is just some time wasted in my life...