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Lua Monster arena editing


Trying to help, but I'm not too good at it.
Apr 10, 2017
Reaction score
I want to add a few changes to this Monster Arena script. I can't remember who its by or I'd give them proper credit. I've made a few changes to it. I would like to add an entry fee, allow 4 summons per person to fight at the same time, and prevent multi-clients in this arena. Any help would be appreciated. Oh, I also need to remove the loot and loot message from the monsters when they die.

MonsterArena = {

    fromPosition = { Position(32571,32321,7), Position(32573,32321,7) }, -- Location of entry tiles

    toPosition = { Position(32569,32312,7), Position(32571,32312,7) }, -- Location of arena entry

    spawnPosition = { Position(32569,32315,7), Position(32571,32310,7) }, -- Location of arena spawn

    area = {

       from = Position(32564,32307,7),

       to = Position(32576,32317,7)

    }, -- Arena size

    --exitPositon = Position(32570,32294,7), -- Location of exit tiles

    blockItemId = 3402,-- Blocking storage

    --Only convincable / summonable monsters

    monsters = {'Dwarf Guard', 'Orc Leader', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Orc Berserker', 'Gozzler', 'Quara Constrictor Scout', 'Assassin', 'Monk', 'Gargoyle', 'Tortoise','Minotaur Guard', 'Barbarian Bloodwalker', 'Dworc Voodoomaster', 'Tarantula', 'Stone Golem', 'Terramite', 'Lizard Templar', 'Elephant',},

    event = 'MonsterArenaDeath', -- Name of event

    reward = {itemId = 2160, count = 1}, -- Item reward id and count

    players = {}


--Check if player is in arena

function MonsterArena.hasPlayer(player)

    local position = player:getPosition() -- Assigning player position to variable

    return position.x <= MonsterArena.area.to.x and position.y <= MonsterArena.area.to.y and position.z == MonsterArena.area.from.z -- Make sure player is in arena


--Check if arena is occupied

function MonsterArena.isOccupied()

    for _, pid in ipairs(MonsterArena.players) do

       local player = Player(pid)

       if player and MonsterArena.hasPlayer(player) then

           return true



    return false


--Clean the arena

function MonsterArena.clean()

    for i = 1, #MonsterArena.players do

       MonsterArena.players[I] = nil



-- When lever is used

function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)

    if item.itemid ~= 1945 then

       item:transform(1946) --Transform lever (flip position)

       return true


    if MonsterArena.isOccupied() then

       player:sendCancelMessage('The arena is currently occupied. Please wait...') -- Send cancel message if arena is occupied

       return true


    local players = {}

    for _, fromPosition in ipairs(MonsterArena.fromPosition) do

       local creature = Tile(fromPosition):getTopCreature()

       if not creature or not creature:isPlayer() then -- Check for two players entering

           player:sendCancelMessage('You need another player to enter the monster arena.')

           return true



    end -- for

    MonsterArena.clean() -- Clean the arena

    local summons = {}

    MonsterArena.clean() -- Clean the arena

    for i, player in ipairs(players) do

       player:teleportTo(MonsterArena.toPosition[I]) -- Player enter arena



       local monsterName = MonsterArena.monsters[math.random(#MonsterArena.monsters)] --Get random monster

       local monster = Game.createMonster(monsterName, MonsterArena.spawnPosition[I], true) --Create the monster

       monster:setMaster(player) -- Set player as summoner


       table.insert(summons, monster)


       -- local monsterName1 = MonsterArena.monsters[math.random(#MonsterArena.monsters)] --Get random monster

       -- local monster1 = Game.createMonster(monsterName1, MonsterArena.spawnPosition[I], true) --Create the monster

       -- monster1:setMaster(player) -- Set player as summoner

       -- monster1:registerEvent(MonsterArena.event)

       -- table.insert(summons, monster1)

       -- local monsterName2 = MonsterArena.monsters[math.random(#MonsterArena.monsters)] --Get random monster

       -- local monster2 = Game.createMonster(monsterName2, MonsterArena.spawnPosition[I], true) --Create the monster

       -- monster2:setMaster(player) -- Set player as summoner

       -- monster2:registerEvent(MonsterArena.event)

       -- table.insert(summons, monster2)

       -- local monsterName3 = MonsterArena.monsters[math.random(#MonsterArena.monsters)] --Get random monster

       -- local monster3 = Game.createMonster(monsterName3, MonsterArena.spawnPosition[I], true) --Create the monster

       -- monster3:setMaster(player) -- Set player as summoner

       -- monster3:registerEvent(MonsterArena.event)

       -- table.insert(summons, monster3)


       Game.createItem(MonsterArena.blockItemId, 1, MonsterArena.spawnPosition[I]) -- Prevent additional players from entering the arena

       player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string.format('A %s if fighting for you this round!', monsterName)) -- Inform player of monster assigned

       table.insert(MonsterArena.players, player.uid)

    end -- for

    --monster[1]:setTarget(summons[2]) -- Player 1 attack Player 2 (monster)

    --monster[2]:setTarget(summons[1]) -- Player 2 attack Player 1 (monster)

    players[1]:setTarget(summons[2]) -- Player 1 attack Player 2 (monster)

    players[2]:setTarget(summons[1]) -- Player 2 attack Player 1 (monster)

    item:transform(1945) -- Reset lever

    return true

end -- onUse

-- function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)

    -- local list = {}

    -- local ips = {}

    -- local players = getPlayersOnline()

    -- for i, pid in ipairs(players) do

       -- local ip = getPlayerIp(pid)

       -- local tmp = table.find(ips, ip)

       -- if(tmp ~= nil) then

           -- if(table.countElements(list, ip) == 0) then

               -- list[players[tmp]] = ip

           -- end

           -- list[pid] = ip

       -- end


       -- table.insert(ips, ip)

    -- end

    -- if(table.maxn(list) > 0) then

       -- for pid, ip in pairs(list) do

           -- if getPlayerIp(cid) == ip then

               -- doTeleportThing(cid,fromPosition,true)

               -- doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, 'Alert: Events allow one player per IP  \nDuplicate IP found for: '.. doConvertIntegerToIp(getPlayerIp(cid)) ..'. Please close multi-client.')

               -- return true

           -- end

       -- end

    -- end

    -- return true

-- end