• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

MyAAC v0.8.13


I received positive feedback from the survey, with over 70% people stating that they "would" participate in the sponsorship program.

But everything takes time. Before I prepare such program, it may take weeks/months.

The current problem is - in 4 days the domain and hosting is ending.

So - I am desperately looking for someone that could put around ~46 €.

Talk to me - maybe I can offer you some notice in the README.md of the Project GitHub Page, or something else?

The problem with the current donations I received at Slawomir Boczek (https://buymeacoffee.com/slawkens) is that I can only withdraw if I have a valid company.. Which is not the case. So I basically lost all donations put there.. I didn't knew that would be the case when I started using that portal. I can't withdraw anything from there. If I could, it would be enough for the costs the project currently have.

PS: The domain cost is just ~16 Euro, and the hosting for whole year is ~30€. Maybe you know cheaper hosting? I don't think so, I am using the personal plan from ovh, which doesn't require me to care about updates/upgrades of the OS and PHP, which I value.


I received positive feedback from the survey, with over 70% people stating that they "would" participate in the sponsorship program.

But everything takes time. Before I prepare such program, it may take weeks/months.

The current problem is - in 4 days the domain and hosting is ending.

So - I am desperately looking for someone that could put around ~46 €.

Talk to me - maybe I can offer you some notice in the README.md of the Project GitHub Page, or something else?

The problem with the current donations I received at Slawomir Boczek (https://buymeacoffee.com/slawkens) is that I can only withdraw if I have a valid company.. Which is not the case. So I basically lost all donations put there.. I didn't knew that would be the case when I started using that portal. I can't withdraw anything from there. If I could, it would be enough for the costs the project currently have.

PS: The domain cost is just ~16 Euro, and the hosting for whole year is ~30€. Maybe you know cheaper hosting? I don't think so, I am using the personal plan from ovh, which doesn't require me to care about updates/upgrades of the OS and PHP, which I value.

In Demo-MyAcc i found this:
(Experience history player).

Where can I find this in the MyAcc releases on github?
I don't have that in my older version.
In Demo-MyAcc i found this:
(Experience history player).

Where can I find this in the MyAcc releases on github?
I don't have that in my older version.
View attachment 84034


this is a paid plugin. I can't say anything more as selling things is forbidden here.


Today exactly 7 years passing as I released the very first version of myaac. Expect something new in upcoming days!
Does anyone know if can hide some items from loot in the monsters? Or hide everything.

Thank you.
Does anyone know if can hide some items from loot in the monsters? Or hide everything.

Thank you.

In system/pages/creatures.php

Just after:
foreach ($loot as $item) {

if (in_array($item['id'], [1920, 2000])) {

1920, 2000 are hidden items IDs.
Hey slaw when I go the configuration step in the install and add the server path/email/admin email and submit it gives me http 500 error 1716669338539.png
hi, anyone knows why im getting this error
apache log error last line
im using tfs 1.2
 [Tue Jul 02 19:35:30.939920 2024] [php:error] [pid 740:tid 1760] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'signature' doesn't have a default value in C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\libs\\pot\\OTS_Base_DB.php:86\nStack trace:\n#0 C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\libs\\pot\\OTS_Base_DB.php(86): PDO->query()\n#1 C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\libs\\pot\\OTS_DB_PDOQuery_PHP71.php(10): OTS_Base_DB->doQuery()\n#2 C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\libs\\pot\\OTS_Player.php(463): OTS_Base_DB->query()\n#3 C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\libs\\CreateCharacter.php(230): OTS_Player->save()\n#4 C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\pages\\account\\create_character.php(25): CreateCharacter->doCreate()\n#5 C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\pages\\accountmanagement.php(152): require('...')\n#6 C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\index.php(362): require('...')\n#7 {main}\n  thrown in C:\\uniserver\\UniServerZ\\www\\system\\libs\\pot\\OTS_Base_DB.php on line 86, referer:
when im trying to create a character, only the account create but the characters dont, same as the final install step i create the admin account but the admin character dont, i think is some line on the db is missing because i cant find that line called "signature" then i just get a error https 500