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Normal 15 min pz on warmode/Stronger Paralyze


Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
Come on guys make normal 15 min pz ..... and stronger paralyze !! bcse every1 using magebot and its hard to paralyze h lvl mages !
Come on guys make normal 15 min pz ..... and stronger paralyze !! bcse every1 using magebot and its hard to paralyze h lvl mages !
do you want Extreme Super Health Potion only for veziv that heals 4k with pot to? and a super sd only for 30 points?
agree lets make donate paralyze rune and for people who are more rich irl can maybe buy admin paralyze rune ??
mad because you died once more by us? sry bro ill send u 10cc after getting last hitted by vampire bride ;s
I dont care about ded u retarded shit u can only sneake with 150 -200 lvls nothing more if u are pro go line up dezert :)
Rly this noob start playing again and 24/7 spam bullshits ingame/forum ban them all please !
Now people actually have to use mwall if strong paralyze no one will care and just spam sd