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[Norway] Forsaken Grounds Online [Custom Client Required, based on 8.5x]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 49793
  • Start date
Halloween has hit forsaken grounds!
We got banned for PKing REDSKULLS in Blacksmith Area! :D
Forgotten legends that moist has always helped has got red skulled and now moist helped them by first kicking them so they loose PZ, and than banning all of us.

Also Aizle got a private hunting spot altho moist said he isnt going to give anyone a private spawn.

Ive recoreded all this shit.
U didnt bann them when they attacked us, 3 of them got RS and THAN u come and bann us cause we PK?
They killed me 3 times while you were watching.
U kicked aizle so he doesnt loose items.

How everything happened:
We went to the boss spawn to kill FG, we were fighting for like 15 minutes and moist was watching, than after aizle, seredoo and gnxx got red skulled shows moist up and banns US cause we were PKing (They got RS by killing 4 of us unjustified so wtf?)?
I didnt got ANY frag.
Also he kicked aizle so he looses PZ, i mean wtf?

I was always helping this server but this now, just wow... simply wow.
Now thats some pure GM abuse.

And he comes up with a lame apology aka *Oh PKing on boss spawn isnt allowed*
Bullshit there was never a rule like that, we were fighting enough times on boss spawns.
Its now official, ur helping FG and u cant denie it.

Also im gonna msg a mod so this doesnt get deleted cause its a fact.
we got red skulls defending our members cos u kept coming back over and over abusing the non pz area to north to stop them escaping, and ud have kept doing it till every 1 was blackskulled, or till some 1 got banned for abusing, and BTW, u all got kicked first, and how the fuck did I get kicked so i didnt lose items? pretty sure i was fucking kicking the shit out of all of you, u had me trapped in a corner with 5 members on me, by the time moist showed up to stop us pvpin in a non pvp area, i was practically out, with 4 dead bodies behind me.. so.... wtf? get your facts straight u whiny little bitch
Forgotten legends that moist has always helped has got red skulled and now moist helped them by first kicking them so they loose PZ, and than banning all of us.

Also Aizle got a private hunting spot altho moist said he isnt going to give anyone a private spawn.

Ive recoreded all this shit.
U didnt bann them when they attacked us, 3 of them got RS and THAN u come and bann us cause we PK?
They killed me 3 times while you were watching.
U kicked aizle so he doesnt loose items.

How everything happened:
We went to the boss spawn to kill FG, we were fighting for like 15 minutes and moist was watching, than after aizle, seredoo and gnxx got red skulled shows moist up and banns US cause we were PKing (They got RS by killing 4 of us unjustified so wtf?)?
I didnt got ANY frag.
Also he kicked aizle so he looses PZ, i mean wtf?

I was always helping this server but this now, just wow... simply wow.
Now thats some pure GM abuse.

And he comes up with a lame apology aka *Oh PKing on boss spawn isnt allowed*
Bullshit there was never a rule like that, we were fighting enough times on boss spawns.
Its not official, ur helping FG and u cant denie it.

Also im gonna msg a mod so this doesnt get deleted cause its a fact.

This is fucking true.

I mean, THEY started killing us, we attacked back, until we decided to give them red skull, we died a few times, we got back and we started nuking Aizle, then suddently I started getting kicked, then I got back ingame and then AIZLE got kicked and ran up the stairs with rs and without PZ, wtf?

Then we started attacking Seredoo, and then Tix(troja) got banned and Moist Giraffe broadcasted a message

"The boss areas is not a pvp area"


Then I kept on attacking and got banned, and Dastan said fuck you bro and got deleted aswell..

we got red skulls defending our members cos u kept coming back over and over abusing the non pz area to north to stop them escaping, and ud have kept doing it till every 1 was blackskulled, or till some 1 got banned for abusing, and BTW, u all got kicked first, and how the fuck did I get kicked so i didnt lose items? pretty sure i was fucking kicking the shit out of all of you, u had me trapped in a corner with 5 members on me, by the time moist showed up to stop us pvpin in a non pvp area, i was practically out, with 4 dead bodies behind me.. so.... wtf? get your facts straight u whiny little bitch

If we would start attack you, you wouldn't get RS?
This is fucking true.

I mean, THEY started killing us, we attacked back, until we decided to give them red skull, we died a few times, we got back and we started nuking Aizle, then suddently I started getting kicked, then I got back ingame and then AIZLE got kicked and ran up the stairs with rs and without PZ, wtf?

Then we started attacking Seredoo, and then Tix(troja) got banned and Moist Giraffe broadcasted a message

"The boss areas is not a pvp area"


Then I kept on attacking and got banned, and Dastan said fuck you bro and got deleted aswell..


we got red skulls defending our members cos u kept coming back over and over abusing the non pz area to north to stop them escaping, and ud have kept doing it till every 1 was blackskulled, or till some 1 got banned for abusing, and BTW, u all got kicked first, and how the fuck did I get kicked so i didnt lose items? pretty sure i was fucking kicking the shit out of all of you, u had me trapped in a corner with 5 members on me, by the time moist showed up to stop us pvpin in a non pvp area, i was practically out, with 4 dead bodies behind me.. so.... wtf? get your facts straight u whiny little bitch

Nice coming here with false responses, We trapped aizle, nobody were standing north. NOONE. Ranger Arcar was south, Tix me and Berserker and another guy blocked him from getting out FROM THE TRAP. Gosh..
This is fucking lame! Aizle has private spawn, gets kicked when gets REDSKULL ON A WAR, GM bans the ppl who are in war AGAINST FORGOTTEN LEGENDS, KICKS PPL THAT GOT RS SO THEY WOULDNT DIE, then say it was because its not allowed to pvp on boss zone.. Make the boss area non-pvp then?

Also, why didnt u kick us like u did with em? No.. you had to IP delete and IP ban all of our chars.
Congratulations on taking ANOTHER step back!

we got red skulls defending our members cos u kept coming back over and over abusing the non pz area to north to stop them escaping, and ud have kept doing it till every 1 was blackskulled, or till some 1 got banned for abusing, and BTW, u all got kicked first, and how the fuck did I get kicked so i didnt lose items? pretty sure i was fucking kicking the shit out of all of you, u had me trapped in a corner with 5 members on me, by the time moist showed up to stop us pvpin in a non pvp area, i was practically out, with 4 dead bodies behind me.. so.... wtf? get your facts straight u whiny little bitch

We did what?
Dude ive got it cammed, i was FOLLOWING aizle ALL the time and chasing him we didnt abuse anything at all.
U got RS by killing and attacking us and we get banned?
Its simply GM abuse and nothing else.

Moist was there all the time and he saw me dieing 3 times.
And suddenly when they get RS u bann us?
Oh not suspicious at all.
And for the moderators this isnt spamming, we just want to show the people that the GM helps FG, and its the true so dont delete the posts!
standing in my grans so i get white skulled, then attacking members who get white skull from waves etc cos u walk in them.. then dying like noobs and coming back and only attacking white skull members, ofcourse were gonna get RS defending them, ur abusing the non pvp zone to the north, so were trapped inside the hole time. yet u can die and come back as many times as u want, cos u dont play the server 'cos its boring' and dont care about dying, yet want to ruin it for every 1 else, all for your stupid 'war' that your in with us, when i dont recall any member of our guild accepting such a thing, so its just random attacks 10vs2 all the time by both sides.. YEahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i could go on all day, w.e. u got banned cos ur douche bags imo, all you wanna do is ruin the rpg feel and bitch than theres no 1 to pvp against, go suck an egg u fucking idiots
He banned us cause u got RSed we didnt abuse anything at all.
So stop claiming we did abuse smthing.
Guys.. First of all. Why they got banned, u know why.

He warned all of us twice, next who atk a person get banned, and what happends nobody atks a player except u guys.
also, u were abusing a bug that Moist also said. It is suppose to be a non-pvp area, but at some part of the boss arena it aint non-pvp area.

And all those who says Kastrullen and Aizle is licking Moist ass etc etc..
u guys are just lame. First of all, yes me and aizle talk alot with moist, u know why? Cause we are tutors.
Also is "Berserker and Blood Intake" that is in ur "Team".

Me personally have had a few arguments and discussions with Moist and i can say that im not licking Gm ass to get him to power abuse.

And all false rumors about that he have giving us Shards etc etc.. is lies he have never done that.

And about the private spawn he donated before when you could have private spawns..