I clonned the master branch of OTC and TFS, and compiled them on Visual Studio but when I try to log in using the compiled OTC I get a message saying "Only clients with protocol 13.10 allowed" but OTC only goes up to 10.99.
So I tried cloning FTS 1.4 branch but couldn't get it to compile, I get: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
Error C2079 '_' uses undefined struct 'fmt::v10::detail::type_is_unformattable_for<T,char>' with T=AccessList_t theforgottenserver C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include\fmt\core.h 1600.
What is weird is that if I use TFS 1.4 release zip I am able to login with no issue so maybe I am doing something wrong during the compilation?
Could someone help me set up TFS to run the latest OTC, please?
Thank you.
So I tried cloning FTS 1.4 branch but couldn't get it to compile, I get: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
Error C2079 '_' uses undefined struct 'fmt::v10::detail::type_is_unformattable_for<T,char>' with T=AccessList_t theforgottenserver C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include\fmt\core.h 1600.
What is weird is that if I use TFS 1.4 release zip I am able to login with no issue so maybe I am doing something wrong during the compilation?
Could someone help me set up TFS to run the latest OTC, please?
Thank you.