Excellent OT User
I'm creating the most powerful bot tibia community has even seen. Personally, I don't like bots, but many players and server owners asked me for it, so there it is.
OTClientV8 bot is included in OTClientV8 project, but has separate github repository with documentation and examples.
Github: OTCv8/otclientv8_bot (https://github.com/OTCv8/otclientv8_bot)
It should be possible to port this bot to classic otclient, but I don't have time for that.
This bot allows you to create whatever you want with lua and otclient otml language. It gives you access to all otclient lua functions and has a lot of functions and tools to make development easier. I don't plan to create an advanced UI for this bot, you can do it yourself by using setupUI function and then share it =)
If you want to contribure, add more functions, some scripts or even UI join otclientv8 discord channel and contact with me - Join the OTClientV8 Discord Server! (https://discord.gg/feySup6) . Or just make a github pull request.
Main bot functions:
For more functions tools and shortcuts please visit bot github repo, don't want to make this post too long.
Example bot script:
For more examples visit bot github repository.
An example, why this bot will be much more powerful than others is data synchronization between players. In this example, two players are able to share information when magic wall is going to disappear.
The script I used:
If you want new functions or functionality - let me know in this thread
I'm creating the most powerful bot tibia community has even seen. Personally, I don't like bots, but many players and server owners asked me for it, so there it is.
OTClientV8 bot is included in OTClientV8 project, but has separate github repository with documentation and examples.
Github: OTCv8/otclientv8_bot (https://github.com/OTCv8/otclientv8_bot)
It should be possible to port this bot to classic otclient, but I don't have time for that.
This bot allows you to create whatever you want with lua and otclient otml language. It gives you access to all otclient lua functions and has a lot of functions and tools to make development easier. I don't plan to create an advanced UI for this bot, you can do it yourself by using setupUI function and then share it =)
If you want to contribure, add more functions, some scripts or even UI join otclientv8 discord channel and contact with me - Join the OTClientV8 Discord Server! (https://discord.gg/feySup6) . Or just make a github pull request.
Main bot functions:
-- better description will be added later
setupUI(text, parent)
addLabel(id, text)
addSwitch(id, text, onClickCallback)
addButton(id, text, onClickCallback)
macro(timeout, callback)
macro(timeout, name, callback)
macro(timeout, name, hotkey, callback) -- hotkey is used to turn on/off macro
hotkey(keys, callback)
hotkey(keys, name, callback)
singlehotkey(keys, callback) -- works like hotkey, but will be executed only once after key press
singlehotkey(keys, name, callback)
schedule(timeout, callback)
onKeyDown(callback) -- callback = function(keys)
onKeyPress(callback) -- callback = function(keys)
onKeyUp(callback) -- callback = function(keys)
onTalk(callback) -- callback = function(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos)
onAddThing(callback) -- callback = function(tile, thing)
onRemoveThing(callback) -- callback = function(tile, thing)
listen(name, callback) -- callback = function(text, channelId, pos)
delay(duration) -- can be only used inside callback function, blocks execution of current macro/hotkey/callback for x milliseconds
Example bot script:
--#Example config
local widget = setupUI([[
id: redPanel
background: red
margin-top: 10
margin-bottom: 10
height: 100
anchors.fill: parent
text: custom ui, otml based
text-align: center
macro(5000, "macro send link", "f5", function()
g_game.talk("macro test - https://github.com/OTCv8/otclient_bot")
g_game.talk("bot is hiding 50% of effects as example, say exevo gran mas vis")
macro(1000, "flag tiles", function()
tile:setText("Hello =)", "red")
macro(25, "auto healing", function()
if hppercent() < 80 then
delay(1000) -- not calling this macro for next 1s
hotkey('y', 'test hotkey', function() g_game.talk('hotkey elo') end)
singlehotkey('x', 'single hotkey', function() g_game.talk('single hotkey') end)
singlehotkey('=', "Zoom in map", function () zoomIn() end)
singlehotkey('-', "Zoom out map", function () zoomOut() end)
onAddThing(function(tile, thing)
if thing:isItem() and thing:getId() == 2129 then
local pos = tile:getPosition().x .. "," .. tile:getPosition().y .. "," .. tile:getPosition().z
if not storage[pos] or storage[pos] < now then
storage[pos] = now + 20000
tile:setTimer(storage[pos] - now)
-- hide 50% of effects
onAddThing(function(tile, thing)
if thing:isEffect() and math.random(1, 2) == 1 then
listen(player:getName(), function(text)
info("you said: " .. text)
addLabel("label1", "Test label 1")
addLabel("label2", "Test label 2")
storage.clicks = 0
addButton("button1", "Click me", function()
storage.clicks = storage.clicks + 1
ui.button1:setText("Clicks: " .. storage.clicks)
HTTP.getJSON("https://api.ipify.org/?format=json", function(data, err)
if err then
warn("Whoops! Error occured: " .. err)
info("HTTP: My IP is: " .. tostring(data['ip']))
For more examples visit bot github repository.
An example, why this bot will be much more powerful than others is data synchronization between players. In this example, two players are able to share information when magic wall is going to disappear.
The script I used:
-- sync mwall
-- tested on 1099
local secondPlayer = "Player1"
if name() == "Player1" then
secondPlayer = "Player2"
info("Syncing mwalls with player: " .. secondPlayer)
onAddThing(function(tile, thing)
if thing:isItem() and thing:getId() == 2129 then
local pos = tile:getPosition().x .. "," .. tile:getPosition().y .. "," .. tile:getPosition().z
if not storage[pos] or storage[pos] < now then
storage[pos] = now + 20000
talkPrivate(5, secondPlayer, encode({type = "mwall", pos = pos, ping = ping()}))
tile:setTimer(storage[pos] - now)
listen(secondPlayer, function(text)
local data = decode(text)
if data and data.type == "mwall" then
storage[data.pos] = now + 20000 - data.ping - ping()
If you want new functions or functionality - let me know in this thread
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