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Peroxide's Mapping Thread

They definitely are smaller:


Mate, you posted the same pictures twice and the pictures are small. :blink:

Otherwise, looks ok. :)
Uve posted 2x the same pic mano :O

Also the spawn seems kind of boring, u shud add sum details or other borders :(
srsly, I really like Peroxide's mapping, but saying these things about a pic missing every detail except some grass and another easily done pic is just ass-licking

Like 95% here are just asslicking and not giving any constructive critisizm, u shud get used to it ^_^
I've noticed your extremely active in the mapping board lately, why so sudden?

It annoys me when I see people post comments like +1 etc just for a halfassed attempt to get there post count up etc, they probably haven't even seen the piece they just comment on a particularly popular thread that they know is active, comment it and repeat, dastan and selooth are the only people I see commenting in the mapping board, I want to see other people, not just them two.
Dastan and Selooth give feedback but its not enough.
Sweet cave dude! Maybe you could add some caskets, tables, chairs, lanterns, etc. They aren't that wild like for just being there. :)