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Real Map Project v0.8

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This is the upcoming version log for v0.8:

- Fix the doors/quests.
- Spawns in Nargor (npcs & monsters)
- Spawns in Treasure Island (npcs & monsters)
- Fix Svargrond Arena
- RE-Check Inquisition Quest and fix the right teleportation in each room/boss
- Fix so you can't swim to edron (from anywhere) without premium
- Set the raids to the right interval & margin
- Fix minor bug/s at Ferumbras Tower
- Fix/Add NPC'S: Boots Repairer (fix), Furniture Seller (add), Palimuth (fix), Xodet (real tibia rune script, wands & runes, instead of 2 npcs)
- Add Travel NPC to: Okolnir, Helheim, Tyrsung, etc.
- Fix Tyrsung
- Fix travel from liberty bay (npc) to Calassa
- Fix way to tortoises from Meriana
- Balance vocations
- Balance spells
- Add the right captain to Yalahar & Goroma travel.
- Add respawn in gs island

This will be updated daily, since we are basically working everyday.

Real Map Project'Team

See?Please read TODO list before you write something here...
Second monster
Acolyte of the Cult.xml
<item id="2148" countmax="40" chance1="68500" chancemax="0"/> -- Gold Coin
<item id="2149" chance="1" chance1="760"/> -- Small Emerald
<item id="2201" chance="850"/> -- Dragon Necklace
<item id="6087" chance="570"/> -- Music Sheet
<item id="2394" chance="5880"/> -- Morning Star

<item id="1987" chance="100000">
<item id="2181" chance="380"/> -- Terra Rod
<item id="2168" chance="470"/> -- life ring
<item id="5810" chance="860"/> -- Pirate Voodoo Doll
<item id="2652" chance="380"/> -- Green Tunic
<item id="5801" chance="100"/> -- Key ring
<item id="1962" chance="850"/> -- Orange Book


How did I calculate the gold coins?

On the "Acolyte of the Cult" pages on tibia.wikia it seems it can drop between 0-40gp. The everage is 9.3gp. Empty: 332 (31.5%) So 100-31.5 = 68.5% drops gps. Actually it should be a little bit less, because it should also be able that it drops a morning star ( or mayby something else ) , without any gps. Is it fine like this?


It has an 100% of dropping a bag and I'm pretty sure it won't drop key rings.
Fix Frost Giants Stairs fix spawns at barbarian camp is that map from old ates?
from all this spam i keep seeing i hope they drop this so that the people wont sit and beg for days on end :p well thats just me
limannen msg me about demon oak scripts, i might have something for you! since i talked to you on msn and u logged out :blink:
limannen msg me about demon oak scripts, i might have something for you! since i talked to you on msn and u logged out :blink:

I'll talk to ya later on msn then.

I don't need anyone that helps me stop the noobs from spaming,
it will never stop anyway, so you might aswell not try.

Ignore them, that's the best.

It's so much being done in v0.8, the MAIN things are DONE.
Just now, we've been stuck up on such small bugs as wrong tiles mapped and so on.

WHEN Cyko is on the msn later today, we will release it.

I'll talk to ya later on msn then.

I don't need anyone that helps me stop the noobs from spaming,
it will never stop anyway, so you might aswell not try.

Ignore them, that's the best.

It's so much being done in v0.8, the MAIN things are DONE.
Just now, we've been stuck up on such small bugs as wrong tiles mapped and so on.

WHEN Cyko is on the msn later today, we will release it.


So now you said you'll release it Today, also.
Same as you have said now for the last 3 days.
But hopefully you're right this time.

Best of Luck too all of you.

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