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Regarding transfer from Shadow > Lunar

I vote yes for transfers, but where can i find some more information on this? When, how much (if any) it will cost, when it happens (server save probably) can anyone link me to a relevant post?
I heard from someone this will work in the of June.... It is the end of june noooooooow!
can the gm give us an answer because the end of June is here. Give us a timeline so we at least know what is going on
We will implent transfers as soon as the code is ready. You must understand that we can't launch something with a half-working code. I cannot promise you any exact date or not even a time-frame when the transfers will be launched, but you will for sure get notified ;)
Is fine because the transfer will be able to, then people are starting to exp and making money
We will implent transfers as soon as the code is ready. You must understand that we can't launch something with a half-working code. I cannot promise you any exact date or not even a time-frame when the transfers will be launched, but you will for sure get notified ;)

Could it be possible that you put your account and then you choose your character on lunar or your character on shadow?
kk so now let me transfer to shadow its freaking transfer from open to hardcore its clearly easy to find out that on hardcore pvp its harder to exp.. bu you didnt noticed that yea? so reduce their lvls..