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royal warlord


New Member
Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
lol he was a friend, but whe have to much problems ... whe dont know to listen ... because he was a friend of the mexican team , and he attack uss ...but he is not engry because mmm I dont know xd ...but he was a very friend or he is ;) ...whell see ya royal u are the legend :huh:

cya :)
damn, nice english bro :p. we dont have problems, lol just u have problems, first one, u should know how to listen.
i rly dont care if i still been ur friend, and i atacked the team cuz u guys atacked me first, dont fucking get in my way. and finally, u think i was goin to get mad? lol, just died 2x, lost 3 lvls in total, dont fuckin care, u guys cry in just 1 dead and want to quit everytime u die.

anyway u cant hate me, cuz im too sexy ^_^ :* hahaha
damn, nice english bro :p. we dont have problems, lol just u have problems, first one, u should know how to listen.
i rly dont care if i still been ur friend, and i atacked the team cuz u guys atacked me first, dont fucking get in my way. and finally, u think i was goin to get mad? lol, just died 2x, lost 3 lvls in total, dont fuckin care, u guys cry in just 1 dead and want to quit everytime u die.

anyway u cant hate me, cuz im too sexy ^_^ :* hahaha

the only thing i ever remeber about you being on our team is OH IM GETTING ATTACKED DAVE ZACH ANTHONY COME SAVE ME, and after u died cus ud ont know how to heal, or ur mom was fucking you on the computer(true story) you would be like I QUIT WAHHH I DIED IM DONE FUCK THIS, and u rooked ur own char, just to lvl it back up again, fucking idiot.
Hey is that a true story just like how Darren, Anthony, Adriel, ect were going to beat pierce up and when Darren was on a character and started talking to us he was like "I've never and would never say anything like that." See hes mature and understand on how much trouble he would get in and for the big one HES ACTUALLY SMART!

After Royal dies he always messages me sayin "lol I just died" and he goes back to botting.

Btw you rooked your char too ;)
Hey is that a true story just like how Darren, Anthony, Adriel, ect were going to beat pierce up and when Darren was on a character and started talking to us he was like "I've never and would never say anything like that." See hes mature and understand on how much trouble he would get in and for the big one HES ACTUALLY SMART!

After Royal dies he always messages me sayin "lol I just died" and he goes back to botting.

Btw you rooked your char too ;)

yee i rooked my char but not to lvl it back up again, and darren ddint say that so dont lie.

Ryan i dunno if u havent realized but ur just pierces lil bitch, stop giving blowjobs and make pierce blow u for 1nce.
I know this maybe hard for you to press a couple of buttons and start a bot to level. But did you ever think that he did it for fun because its a game and you don't benefit from it at all so he just doesn't give two shits or does your brain just not comprehend things that fast. Or it could just be some other reason that I don't know and don't care about.

Btw you guys really do need to get some more attempts at chirping people it's just old and no one cares anymore :/
I know this maybe hard for you to press a couple of buttons and start a bot to level. Ever think that he did it for fun because its a game and you don't benefit from it at all so he just doesn't give two shits or does your brain just not comprehend things that fast.

Btw you guys really do need to get some more attempts at chirping people it's just old and no one cares anymore :/

Oh poor ryan must come to piercy poo's defence, omg r u his fuckin mom or something??

Clearly he doesnt just hit 2 buttons and go AFK, cus he hasnt been banned for botting in 75~lvls and the GM's are always watching him, and since he hasnt been banned he hasnt been AFK, so i feel bad for the poor no life.

Pierce remeber that time u told us in vent u had to go "work Out" and blocked everybody on MSN except Avi and he comes back and finds u on MSN, embarassing.

also, if pierce played this for fun he wudnt spend 800$ on it.
the only thing i ever remeber about you being on our team is OH IM GETTING ATTACKED DAVE ZACH ANTHONY COME SAVE ME, and after u died cus ud ont know how to heal, or ur mom was fucking you on the computer(true story) you would be like I QUIT WAHHH I DIED IM DONE FUCK THIS, and u rooked ur own char, just to lvl it back up again, fucking idiot.

im sure i never cried like that, prolly i just said i needed help and thats all, i have never cried like "PLEASE HELP ME, PLEASE PLASE," u remember the old times when i started playin. ur team always needed me more than i needed u. who cares bout old time? retard, life the present.
im sure i never cried like that, prolly i just said i needed help and thats all, i have never cried like "PLEASE HELP ME, PLEASE PLASE," u remember the old times when i started playin. ur team always needed me more than i needed u. who cares bout old time? retard, life the present.

i dunno how to "life the present" sorry bud, and about ur quote "Dont hate me cus im too sexy" ive seen ur face, and it looked like u were trying to steal a lawnmower and the blade turned on. ur the uggliest kid i have ever seen.
There are so many times that Pierce has gone and fell asleep or has done other things and left it afk. The Gamemaster unfortunately for you, do other things besides sit on there servers and stalk everyone.

Man Zach you have a lot of stories that can never be proven so truthfully you saying all these bull shit things whether there true or not people just don't care about. They laugh at you when you say shit like this.

I don't have to come to anyone's defense because were all mature here. (At least some of us are)

Edit: Royal isnt from the United States there main language there is Spanish obviously and if you would stick in school and study anything that is worth knowing is that when other languages try to translate into English it has a tendency to look weird for us because we have so many rules. Even if he did say 'Life' instead if 'Live' you still get the point.
Hmm for soeme reason that seems fishing seeing as i never had you on msn, plus i NEVER sign off of msn i just leave my status as busy 24/7 oops did that just make you seem like the lying baddy that you are?

Plus, i haven't spent a single penny of my own money on this server sorry but you fail again.
HAHAHA Were mature, dude are you gay, jesus christ, anybody who chrips over the internet and doesnt have big enuf balls to do anything face to face is not mature, i remeber when pierce BEGGED alex not to buy that plane ticket and he wud stop being such a dick, so stop being a fucking lier. mature my ass..

last post kk thnx bye.
i dunno how to "life the present" sorry bud, and about ur quote "Dont hate me cus im too sexy" ive seen ur face, and it looked like u were trying to steal a lawnmower and the blade turned on. ur the uggliest kid i have ever seen.

hahaha,u are just mad cuz u know im better than u, when i died on royal at lvl 250 by u on ue combo i was just like, "oh well, np" and when i killed u on belick (120) u were crygin so hard, "U FUCKER, ILL FUCKING KILL U, I HATE U, ILL TELL DAVE TO KICK U OUT OF THE TEAM, WELL FUCKING SNEAK U ALL THE DAY, DONT TALK TO ME ANYMORE.
u are just such a retard ;]