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Rust remover


Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Found this in some polish site. I removed wrong items and some lines, fixed the rates according to the wiki statistics. Tested on TFS 1.0.

One alert: chain armor rate in the common rusty armor in the wiki is 30,14%, here you will see 6966 resulting from the way the script is structured, 6966=3014(actual rate)+2450+1305+197(the rates below), scale armor 3952=2450+1305+197 and so on.

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
    local effect_renew = 28
    local effect_broke = 3
    local storage = 0
    local const = item2.itemid
    local pos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
    local itemy = {
                    [9808] = {
                                [1] = {id = 2464, name = "Chain Armor", chance = 6966},
                                [2] = {id = 2483, name = "Scale Armor", chance = 3952},
                                [3] = {id = 2465, name = "Brass Armor", chance = 1502},
                                [4] = {id = 2463, name = "Plate Armor", chance = 197}
                    [9809] = {
                                [1] = {id = 2483, name = "Scale Armor", chance = 6437},                   
                                [2] = {id = 2464, name = "Chain Armor", chance = 4606},
                                [3] = {id = 2465, name = "Brass Armor", chance = 3029},
                                [4] = {id = 2463, name = "Plate Armor", chance = 1559},
                                [5] = {id = 2476, name = "Knight Armor", chance = 595},
                                [6] = {id = 8891, name = "Paladin Armor", chance = 283},
                                [7] = {id = 2487, name = "Crown Armor", chance = 49}
                    [9810] = {
                                [1] = {id = 2465, name = "Brass Armor", chance = 6681},
                                [2] = {id = 2463, name = "Plate Armor", chance = 3767},
                                [3] = {id = 2476, name = "Knight Armor", chance = 1832},
                                [4] = {id = 2487, name = "Crown Armor", chance = 177},
                                [5] = {id = 8891, name = "Paladin Armor", chance = 31},
                                [6] = {id = 2466, name = "Golden Armor", chance = 10}
                    [9811] = {
                                [1] = {id = 2648, name = "Chain Legs", chance = 6949},                   
                                [2] = {id = 2468, name = "Studded Legs", chance = 3692},
                                [3] = {id = 2478, name = "Brass Legs", chance = 1307},
                                [4] = {id = 2647, name = "Plate Legs", chance = 133}
                    [9812] = {
                                [1] = {id = 2468, name = "Studded Legs", chance = 5962},
                                [2] = {id = 2648, name = "Chain Legs", chance = 4037},
                                [3] = {id = 2478, name = "Brass Legs", chance = 2174},
                                [4] = {id = 2647, name = "Plate Legs", chance = 1242},
                                [5] = {id = 2477, name = "Knight Legs", chance = 186},
                    [9813] = {
                                [1] = {id = 2478, name = "Brass Legs", chance = 6500},
                                [2] = {id = 2647, name = "Plate Legs", chance = 3800},
                                [3] = {id = 2477, name = "Knight Legs", chance = 200},
                                [4] = {id = 2488, name = "Crown Legs", chance = 52},
                                [5] = {id = 2470, name = "Golden Legs", chance = 30}

                local random_item = math.random(10000)
    if itemy[const] then
        for i = 1, #itemy[const] do
            if random_item <= itemy[const][i].chance then
                storage = i
        if storage > 0 then
            doSendMagicEffect(topos, effect_renew)
            doTransformItem(item2.uid, itemy[const][storage].id)
            doCreatureSay(cid, "You have renewed the ".. itemy[const][storage].name .." !", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
            doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)
            doSendMagicEffect(topos, effect_broke)
            doRemoveItem(item2.uid, 1)
            doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)
            doCreatureSay(cid, "The armor was already damaged so badly that it broke when you tried to clean it.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
            return 0
        return 0
return true

<action itemid="9930" script="rustremover.lua"/>
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local breakChance = 60
local rustyItems = {
    [9808] = {2464, 2465, 2483, 2463, 2476}, --common rusty armor
    [9809] = {2464, 2465, 2483, 2463, 2476, 8891}, --semi-rare rusty armor
    [9810] = {2464, 2465, 2483, 2463, 2476, 8891, 2487, 2466, 2472}, --rare rusty armor
    [9811] = {2468, 2648, 2478, 2647, 2477}, --common rusty legs
    [9812] = {2468, 2648, 2478, 2647, 2477, 2488}, --semi-rare rusty legs
    [9813] = {2468, 2648, 2478, 2647, 2477, 2488, 2470}, --rare rusty legs
    [9814] = {2511, 2510, 2530, 2509, 2513, 2515}, --common rusty shield
    [9815] = {2511, 2510, 2530, 2509, 2513, 2515, 2516, 2519}, --semi-rare rusty shield
    [9816] = {2511, 2510, 2530, 2509, 2513, 2515, 2516, 2519, 2520, 2514}, --rare rusty shield
    [9817] = {2643, 3982, 5462, 7457}, --common rusty boots
    [9818] = {2643, 3982, 5462, 7457, 2195}, --semi-rare rusty boots
    [9819] = {2643, 3982, 5462, 7457, 2195, 2645}, --rare rusty boots
    [9820] = {2458, 2460, 2480, 2481, 2457, 2491}, --common rusty helmet
    [9821] = {2458, 2460, 2480, 2481, 2457, 2491, 2497}, --semi rare rusty helmet
    [9822] = {2458, 2460, 2480, 2481, 2457, 2491, 2497, 2475, 2498} --rare rusty helmet
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    if rustyItems[itemEx.itemid] ~= nil then
        if math.random(30000) <= breakChance then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,"You broke it.")
            local newId = rustyItems[itemEx.itemid][math.random(#rustyItems[itemEx.itemid])]
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,"You removed the rust, revealing a "..getItemNameById(newId))
        return TRUE
    return FALSE

is this good too ?
local breakChance = 60
local rustyItems = {
    [9808] = {2464, 2465, 2483, 2463, 2476}, --common rusty armor
    [9809] = {2464, 2465, 2483, 2463, 2476, 8891}, --semi-rare rusty armor
    [9810] = {2464, 2465, 2483, 2463, 2476, 8891, 2487, 2466, 2472}, --rare rusty armor
    [9811] = {2468, 2648, 2478, 2647, 2477}, --common rusty legs
    [9812] = {2468, 2648, 2478, 2647, 2477, 2488}, --semi-rare rusty legs
    [9813] = {2468, 2648, 2478, 2647, 2477, 2488, 2470}, --rare rusty legs
    [9814] = {2511, 2510, 2530, 2509, 2513, 2515}, --common rusty shield
    [9815] = {2511, 2510, 2530, 2509, 2513, 2515, 2516, 2519}, --semi-rare rusty shield
    [9816] = {2511, 2510, 2530, 2509, 2513, 2515, 2516, 2519, 2520, 2514}, --rare rusty shield
    [9817] = {2643, 3982, 5462, 7457}, --common rusty boots
    [9818] = {2643, 3982, 5462, 7457, 2195}, --semi-rare rusty boots
    [9819] = {2643, 3982, 5462, 7457, 2195, 2645}, --rare rusty boots
    [9820] = {2458, 2460, 2480, 2481, 2457, 2491}, --common rusty helmet
    [9821] = {2458, 2460, 2480, 2481, 2457, 2491, 2497}, --semi rare rusty helmet
    [9822] = {2458, 2460, 2480, 2481, 2457, 2491, 2497, 2475, 2498} --rare rusty helmet
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    if rustyItems[itemEx.itemid] ~= nil then
        if math.random(30000) <= breakChance then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,"You broke it.")
            local newId = rustyItems[itemEx.itemid][math.random(#rustyItems[itemEx.itemid])]
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,"You removed the rust, revealing a "..getItemNameById(newId))
        return TRUE
    return FALSE

is this good too ?

The problem in your script is that every item gets the same chance, golden armor has a 0,10% rate in real Tibia, with it to obtain one will be as likely as a brass or plate armor.
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