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Sauron maps! NEW PICTURES 05.03.2012

Get used to not using autoborder, it's better :)
You have potential in my opinion, try mapping something else. Don't make it squary, don't use much autoborder and detail correctly!
Try not to scatter the bigger trees and put them in some order.
Also, don't put random things in your mappings. Skeleton, ants, branch, blue rose, etc.
Other then all I said, pretty!
This is something usefull for you.
Like Hiper said, be more organised with details. Try to use things that really fit together!
I do like your ideas
the temple has no suporting poles :p if someone was to walk on it you'd fall right through ^^ and 1 more thing, try not to use random trees, there are special trees for special occasions
other than that i too like ur creativity
Oh ye I know, but I don't change this now. This bridge will be change.