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Screenshots from my Open tibia server (Soon Online)

i am 25% turkish but i can't write/speak good.
btw i bump because like the bigggest part of the topic is bumps and updates with low comments with critism only about i hope its gtting fast online etc instead of sharing ideas or critism

i tought you could see i was turk
Lagmacun it was supposted to be:
Lahmacun the turkish pizza
LOL how you can be 25% turkish????
Got my files back soon when i have a new computer i will map the spawns for the new creatures and edit few spawns and then it will be online!
thanks i dont get fast comments :( however i will put slightly more details i use it lesser because i map since 7.5 still got used to that style however you dont need much because most people dont even watch it whenhunting or war or when dead corpse or vials are laying on floor is also part of details but still thanks i try to do something against it
I am now updating the existing spawns tommorow i put also wit my usb the old files (mosnters) to the new one and create new spawns and work hardcore fast :)
You've got good mapping there, I wish you all best with the server.
thanks a lot it's going very good now i wish i had a good scripter that can fix some bugs for me.. the hardest things that BUGS me a lot are scripting npcs xD
or some small errors atm i am fixing a script problem if it was done i had now more screens from the haunted dragon spawn