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Gamemaster Searching for active GMs


I'm a boy from norway, 17 years old.
I speak English, Spanish, Swedish and ofc (Norwegian) very good.
I have been gm at different serveres for about a year, and i have played tibia for 5 years.

Why should u chose me?
You should chose me because i can help you with language speaking and i have much experince within tibia and to be a Gamemaster.
I can be online for many houres everyday and it wont be a problem to help you with mapping and stuff like that.

Grey House.
Apply to be a Game master

Hey, my name's Johnny.

I have played Tibia for a LOOONG time :p and i got a lot of freetime to use on Tibia/ots

I can be Online like 3-4 houers a day! and 24 houers in weekend's xD

I'm living in norway, but can speak english to, and understand sweedish, and a bit Dutch xD (not much) I am 16 year's old, and LOVE my pc xD (yap, i'm a nerd xD)

I hope you want me to be one of your Gm's. I would love to help other's :) :thumbup:

Best regards: Kekoroh(In game nick name)/Johnny
Real name: Jackob *as my username*

Age: 17 soon turning 18

Native Language: France, English and German

How long have you been playing OTs: I've been playing Open-Tibia since may 2005, because my old character was hacked, so no sence to play, so I started Open-Tibia, wich is a quite good time waster though. but I don't see it as a Time-Waster, I see it more as a Hobby.

How long have you been playing Tibia? I've been playing tibia since 2003, I made my first character on the world Antica. I've leveled it to 70(it was a druid) I've sold it, because I need money. Then I made a character on the world Danubia.
105 Master Sorcerer
90 Elite Knight

What experience have you had in the past? : I've played the server Narozia, but only for 2 weeks because the Owners sold the server, and I dind't want to play again with new Owners, I liked the former guys. Now Im specializing myself on Creating/Scripting/rule enforcement of Open Tibia, thats why I apply.

What makes you qualify for this position? : I got alot of expierence in real tibia, wich gives me the change to share it with OT players. Everything about real you have to know, I can tell you. I'd like to help the Owners, because I know they're very busy, so I can fill-up their jobs in the community. I can be online everyday after school, till 21:00-22:00 and in the weekend almost anytime( if I don't go out) or playing COD 4.

Any other info/comment : I wish that you look my apply seriously, because I know from myself that I can be verry usefull in an OT server. Again, I've got alot of experience and knowlegde about Tibia. You can add me on msn if you want, and we can talk Private.

Thanks in advance,

P.S I just signed up on this site, my friend told me about it. So don't complain about my Post amount, thanks.
Hi, my name is Oscar. I'm 14 years old almost 15 years old, I've started play Tibia 2004-2005, back then I played in Rubera, I was a very good friend to the Family Henceforth, Nakai, Mighty Cully. I've quited real-Tibia when I got hacked and I did lost many levels becuase of that. The last years I'm been playing OTs pretty much. I've been GM on pretty many servers, example, Acid 7.6, Some YurOTs and my own servers. I speak swedish but I can speak english pretty good. And please take this serious.

PM Me if you apply me, or leave me a message here.

Kind Regards, Ockero
Hmm.. Let me try..
Name (Internet username):
Internet user name's : Pro Streetzor , Warbringer
Native Language:
Serbian and German (have been borned in austria and moved to serbia when i had like 12 years, so i can speak/write perfect both language's
How long have you been playing OTs:
im playing ots since 2005
How long have you been playing Tibia?
i played tibia just 1 year from 2004~2005

What makes you qualify for this position?
I want be a gamemaster at your ot, since im booring at home ( i dont have much to study ,im tha nerd -.- ) so i would be realy active to checking every singel report and doing the investigation (<-- spelling~) of every char :)
Any other info/comment
What can i say more, i dont need any ban or something like that commands, i just want like teleport to the player to investigate the player do he bot's and sh**s like that