Evil Puncker
Just so we can have a reference in case anyone wants to fix/add it doing a PR on official tfs master branch. If you have any suggestion, information or addition, just post and I'll update the list, and if possible tell what tibia version was it implemented on.
Now content after our main supported version 10.98:
- Special foods [8.5]
- Lured creatures walk back to their spawn places as soon as they lose their target. [8.7]
- Implemented the You cannot use objects that fast. message if the player use an object more than 2 (?) times per second. [8.72]
- Magical torches from the Lightbearer world event as well as powders and letters from the Colours of Magic world event now expire and vanish after the respective event is over even if they are stored in a depot box. [9.1]
- The Depot locker was remade (pic here). It now contains a Depot Chest(vol: 18) (with 18 numbered depot boxes inside, each one hold infinite amount of items, paged each 32 items, and limited only by the depot limit being free or premy), Inbox (where parcels, letters, Market purchases/expired offers, house items go, and you can't move any item inside it/to it). [9.4]
The depot, as in all 18 Depot Boxes, can store a combined total of 2,000 items (Free Accounts) or up to 10,000 items (Premium Accounts). - All players now gain 10 second invisibility to creatures upon login, but as soon as the player has moved or attacked, creatures will again see the character. [9.5]
- In the case of disconnection from server, players now have a greater chance of survival. [9.5]
- Characters log off after a shorter period of time depending on vocation: a knight (or characters of no vocation) will log off after 60 seconds, a paladin 50 and a druid/sorcerer 40. Before, it was 60 seconds for all vocations.
- Characters are now ignored by creatures for 30 seconds upon the time the server recognizes the client has lost connection. This leaves less time a character is vulnerable: 30 seconds (knight), 20 seconds (paladin) or 10 seconds (druid/sorcerer). Note that this is invisibility, not invincibility - area attacks will affect the player still.
- Characters below 150 health points will have a much faster Hit Points regeneration rate. [9.8] [needs more info]
- After dieing and re-logging your server log is kept, you will see a message: You were killed by blablabla [9.8]
- Characters will not be able to attack their own summons anymore. Also, it will not be possible anymore to get damaged by your own summons. On Non-pvp. [10.01]
- The way monsters target players has been changed. They should no longer target unreachable players with any attack. [10.1]
- Reward system for bosses, more info here, here and here [10.2]
- Varying Monster Spawn (more info) [10.5]
- The Adventurer's Blessing was introduced. (more info) [10.55]
- Guild Bank [10.7]
- Guilds will have a bank account to share money with the guild.
- All members can deposit money in the guild bank account.
- The leader and all vice leaders will be able to withdraw and transfer money from the guild bank.
- The guild bank will have a log showing the activity of the bank in the last 30 days. It will be visible to all members.
- Guild-related transactions will be debited to the guild bank account. To avoid accidental loss of guildhalls, if the guild bank has insufficient funds, the guild leader's bank account will be debited instead. The fund for guild wars must always come from the guild bank.
- Certain monsters can no longer have their spawn blocked and will spawn even if there is a player in sight. (list here) [10.7]
- The Loyalty System was introduced. (more info) [10.74]
- The Store is introduced along with its currency Tibia Coins. [10.8]
- PvP Duelling Arena [10.9]
- Gold Pouch added [10.97]
Now content after our main supported version 10.98:
- In NPC conversations, you can click on highlighted key words. [11.0]
- Introduction of the Prey System, which will allow players to obtain a random hunting bonus that only applies while hunting a particular monster. This bonus can be a boost of the damage dealt, a reduction of the damage taken, a boost of experience or a boost in loot; [11.02]
- Introduction of a new enchanting system called Imbuing, i.e the ability to augment certain equipment with elemental damage, elemental protection, skill boosts (including speed), critical hit, hit points leech and mana leech. There'll be 63 different imbuements. [11.02]
- Loot Channel: A channel exclusive for loot messages has been implemented. If this channel is closed, loot messages are displayed in the Server Log Channel. [11.10.4427]
- VIP groups: VIP List has now the following 3 default groups: Friends, Enemies and Trading Partners. Additionally, Premium Account players can create up to 5 other groups. [11.10.4427]
- Standardized deduction of gold payments: gold is first deducted from containers in your inventory, then from your Gold Pouch (if you bought one for your character), and finally, from your Bank Account. [11.02]
- you can accumulate Blessing Charges by buying them from the Store or in case you receive them due to death compensation. Blessing Charges are pre-paid blessings there are ready to use. You can check your currently number of charges using the Blessings Window that can be accessed by clicking a small button above the amulet slot. [11.30]
- New summons: Skullfrost, Emberwing, Grovebeast and Thundergiant. [11.40]
- Implementation of Daily Rewards. [11.40]
- Improved the day-night cycle. [11.40]
- Removal of Enchanting and Charging Weapons systems. [11.40]
- New Analytics Features: Cyclopedia, Loot Analyser, Supply Analyser, Impact Analyser, XP Analyser, Hunting Session Analyser, Drop Tracker and Quest Tracker. [11.40]
- New imbuements that increases the character's capacity - Basic Featherweight, Intricate Featherweight and Powerful Featherweight - were added for Containers. [11.50]
- It is now possible to imbue equipped items. [11.50]
- From this update on, all players that dealt damage to a creature have the respective kill counter in kill tasks increased, as long as they are in a Party with highest damage-dealer and shared experienced is enabled. [11.50]
- Implementation of the Quick Looting feature. [11.50]
- The client is now able to remember the position of opened backpacks and windows in the sidebars. [11.50]
- Sections Bestiary and Charms were added to Cyclopedia. [11.50]
- Blood of the Mountain and Heart of the Mountain blessing added, now we have 7 blessing plus twist of fate (more info) [April 25, 2017]
- Implementation of an automatic screenshot feature which takes and saves screenshots of special events like a death, a player kill or a character level up. [11.8]
- A new premium feature called Supply Stash will be accessible via the lockers in the depots. All stackable items which are tradeable via the Market (except those bought via the Store and Tibia Coins) can be stowed into the Supply Stash. (more info) [11.8]
- Standing on a Glowing Tile allows you to open the preselected Market interface of an item when you click on "Show in Market" in the item's context menu. [11.8]
- The Cyclopedia Map offers a "discover" feature that places several Points of Interest in a subarea. In order to fully discover a subarea, you will have to find seven of them. Fully discover enough subareas of an area to unlock additional markers and information for that area like NPC markers, passage markers and notations for upcoming raids. [11.8]
- The Bestiary now also lists loot that only drops during special events (e.g. Coloured Eggs). If the event is currently not active, the respective loot icon is grayed out. [11.8]
- The Cyclopedia was be expanded once more and received a new tab called Character. This tab displays a detailed overview of the character's current stats, including the total elemental protection the character currently has, skills without the Loyalty Bonus, recent Deaths and PvP kills as well as a sortable list of all non-secret and (already obtained) secret Achievements. [12.0]
- NPC filters were be added to the Supply Stash in order to allow a more granular sorting mechanism. [12.0]
- Items are now displayed with different coloured frames or corners which allows you to identify the approximate value of the item at a glance. Each item is highlighted in the respective colour in the loot message as well. [12.0]
- During each server save circle, one of Tibia's monsters is now randomly drawn and receives a boost which doubles its XP, loot and respawn rate for that day. Afterwards the monster has a cooldown of 30 days before it can receive the boost bonus again. [12.0]
- New imbuements that have a chance to remove a character's paralysis - Basic Vibrancy, Intricate Vibrancy and Powerful Vibrancy - were added for Boots. [12.0]
- The cooldown for shooting Paralyse Runes was changed from 2 to 6 seconds. [12.0]
- Implementation of Golden Outfits. [12.15.8659]
- Rusty Armors, Rusty Legs, Rusty Helmets and Rusty Shields were renamed and each one of them has a unique sprite from now on. [12.15.8659]
- It became possible to search for items inside your Locker. After searching for an item, you can see each individual stack of it and navigate to the container they are in, move them to another container or stow them. [12.20]
- New client feature: the Friend Lists. [12.20]
- Badges was implemented. [12.20]
- Titles are similar to badges, but character-based. [12.20]
- A new widget, the Party List was implemented. [12.20]
- The Battle Window was upgraded. [12.20]
- The maximum Market fee has been raised from 1,000 to 100,000 gold. [12.20.9108]
- Monsters which are classified as "hard" in the Bestiary can now appear as boosted creature. [Aug 06 2019]
- New House Features, House Management in Client (info) [Nov 19 2019]
- Party Hunt Analyzer, Bestiary Tracker, Improved Character Selection, Hunting Tasks. [12.30.9287]
- Carpets can now be removed from anywhere by right-clicking on one and selecting "Browse Field". [12.30.9308]
- Carpets can now be put under everything on which you can put an item on top by placing your carpet on top of the object and using it, which will make it appear underneath the item. [12.30.9308]
- The insatiable void that is the dustbin is no longer a danger to any carpets. You can safely place them atop the dustbin, use them, and they will appear underneath. [12.30.9308]
- Please note that there are a couple of items like barrels in certain residences on which you cannot put any items and thus, cannot place any carpets beneath. [12.30.9308]
- You can lay up to three carpets on top of each other. [12.30.9308]
- The price for prey creatures rerolls has been reduced to 150 gp per level. [12.30.9327]
- If a player buys Premium Time in a Resting Area, Soul Point regeneration will now begin instantly. [12.30.9391]
- When cancelling the connection process after selecting a character and trying to enter the game, you will no longer be returned to the login screen but to the character selection screen. [12.30.9391]
Hunting Ground Rebalancing [12.31]
- All the Weapons of Destruction, as well as many others, had their attributes changed, most of them being nerfed. [12.31.9604]
- The duration of the Stamina bonus hours was increased from 2 to 3 hours. [12.31.9640]
- The regeneration rate of green stamina (between 39 hours and 42 hours) was lowered to 6 seconds per 1 second of stamina instead of previously 10 seconds per 1 second of stamina. [12.31.9640]
- There will be a new Bestiary difficulty level called "challenging". Details stages of challenging entries will be revealed once a player kills 200, 2000 and 5000 monsters respectively of its kind. Completing the entry grants 100 charm points for every ordinary (not very rare) challenging monster. [12.40]
- The following three new Charms will be implemented: [12.40]
- Divine Wrath: Offensive charm. Triggers on a creature with a certain chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as Holy Damage once.
- Vampiric Embrace: Passive charm. The current Life Leech amount of a player will be increased by 4%. This goes only into effect if life leech is already active through equipped items.
- Void's Call: Passive charm. The current Mana Leech amount of a player will be increased by 2%. This goes only into effect if mana leech is already active through equipped items.
- The following three Charms will be changed: [12.40]
- Gut: Gutting the creature now yields 20% more creature products instead of only 10%.
- Scavenge: Now enhances your chances to successfully skin/dust a skinnable/dustable creature by 25% instead of only 10%.
- Bless: Blesses you and reduces skill and experience loss by 10% instead of only 3% when killed by the chosen creature.
- Team Finder: New feature to find and assemble teams for hunts and quests. [12.40]
- It is no longer possible to use Training Dummies across houses. [12.40.10030]
- Character Auctions have been released. [12.50.10109]
- Once a party leader leaves a group, leadership is passed onto the first invited member. [12.51.10215]
Vocation Adjustments (quivers, new spells, new magic shield etc) [12.55] (more info)
- On the first server save of each month, each character will receives one daily reward joker which can be used to compensate for one server save cycle during which the daily reward has not been collected. [12.60]
- New analyser feature: Damage Input Analyser. [12.60]
- Similarly to the Input Analyser, the Impact Analyser will also provide information about caused damage per type. [12.60]
- Quick Looting Extension: It will be possible to quick loot a stack of up to 30 corpses on the same map field with a single click. [12.60]
- Similarly to Outfits, certain future new Mounts will be colourised in the "Customise Character" dialog. [12.60]
- New Familiars which are basically Mighty Summons outfits. [12.60]
- The minimum damage of single target, non-critical physical range and melee attacks has been increased to avoid very low hits. While their maximum damage has not been changed so that occasional high damage spikes are still possible, its probabilities was lowered to ensure that the average damage output remains the same. [12.60.10503]
- Podium of Renown [12.63.10628]
- It is now possible to report rule violating ingame texts on letters, trophies, blackboards, and other Writable Items. [12.65.10717]
- New types of items modifiers were be implemented: Specialised Magic Levels, Cleave, Magic Shield Capacity, Perfect Shot (aka Range Bonus), Damage Reflection [12.70.10953]
- The Depot item limit of 10,000 items for Premium Account players has been raised to 15,000. [12.70.10953]
- Changes in the skill ranking ingame are now only updated every minute to reduce message spam. [12.70.10995]
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