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TILFen's Mapping Thread

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I love this Draptor's place !
Looks pretty good, but I think pillar 8.7 don't fit there.
Looks weird down of the dragon pillar.
Anyway, good mapping, ba ! Great mapping ! x3.
I love this Draptor's place !
Looks pretty good, but I think pillar 8.7 don't fit there.
Looks weird down of the dragon pillar.
Anyway, good mapping, ba ! Great mapping ! x3.

Thank you, Ethan. I know that the new pillar looks weird there. I realized it after I had posted the pictures the second time. :p

TILFen, Damn.

Good Work :) keep it up

Thank you. :)

Awesome :D but mountain on last pic looks sucks.

Thanks, Xan. I had to make something there so I just made something simple with less details. ^_^
Sweet <3, maybe utevo lux? ;p

Nah, that would ruin the whole picture since the whole place would light up. Well, I could have used a torch though, like I did at the first picture. ;)
Looks very nice ;)
Well funny thing is that its burned grass under snow :p
But it looks really nice actully ^^
The snow had begun to melt, and slowly but surely started the green landscape reveal itself...


Yours sincerely,

Looks very nice ;)
Well funny thing is that its burned grass under snow :p
But it looks really nice actully ^^

Thanks, I accidentally removed the post. About the grass, it's dead grass. :p
This is what I'm currently working on. It will take some time to finish it since I promised Red to map some stuff for him.


I dont like the lizard statues at the first pic but they fir into the second pic.
I don't orkar write a liten historia this gång. :(


Kindest regards,
Ways better, looks awsome but i just saw these ugly cobblestone borders or w/e they r called, with the grass on them, i think u shud delete these 2
Thank you guys. :)

I am bumpar denna picture on en annan sida.


Kindest regards,
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