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You think that playing on ShadowCores gives you more fun? And I am sure that alot of players would quit with playing on LunarForce if its reseted.
Im in a hurry atm but I will write down some reasons the population went down, I am sure I will miss something. First let's understand that the people who played to exp/rpg/quest are still playing....the ones that left are the ones that asked for this server to have wars etc. I guess I will write a few suggestions people need to stop writing because they are unrealistic. This lose 1 lvl or 2 lvls when you die to players WILL NOT work. Most of the players in the war guilds are already charlovers who do not come back after a certain amount of levels lost so this will ruin the fights even more. A good way to get back the pvp players that want to war is to make the wars more balanced. Here are some problems in the current war and I am not sure if many will agree with me because most of these players are orshabaal players use to this kind of stuff.

1. SSA- This is a huge problem not because of the ssa spam but because of most mages are very high lvl in wars and tank way more than they should because of their mana/hp pools. Putting an exhaust on SSA/might rings just as you guys did for waves/ues/aoe runes may fix this problem. However many of these players like to run their mouth but like to stand and tank until their ssa runs out because it's easy.

2. High magic rates- I have mixed feelings about this. I am the type of guy that does not mind the high magic lvl(110+) in an OT to get lvls because I really do not want to waste hours getting 1 level which I will lose anyways in the next battle. However the high magic levels become a problem when it comes to wars because people are hitting 450-500+ with sds, max frigo, etc. I guess the SSA do help negate this but the SSA with the current exhaust make sds pretty much useless until the person runs out of SSA. Not sure if we can have the best of both worlds.

3. High levels- Again this is pretty diffucult to solve. However the problem in wars is that some of these mages are such high level that it is nearly impossible to kill them just because of the level combo with ssa spam. The time invested to kill him results in lets say 3,4,5 of your members dieing that are not that level. I believe that Tibia is not meant to be played where everyone is average level 350 as that takes all the skill out.

Here are some reasons why 8.6 servers were so successful(competition and players reasons left out because the GM's can not control that.

1. Average level in wars was 150-180 with the highest levels being around 210-230. When you have something like this then people don't feel what we call "invincible" and rush in like complete monkeys because they know they can't die. This is what we have currently on Lunarforce.

2. I don't care what you guys want to say about loot rate/exp rate etc...I am pretty positive that over the years playing in 8.6 I know why people didn't charlove, which of course results in good fights.
- After the fight you can take your levels back really easy and the money too. On lunarforce it takes hours just to take 1 level back so people don't want to die and waste time on getting the same level back(charlovers).
- If people are aware that even if they lose 10 levels in a single battle that they can get those levels back in a few hours I can guarantee you most of them will fight till the end.
- Keep in mind what I said about the average level, so of course the exp stages would have to be different.
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I've mentioned few times that exp stages should be changed, so all that lower levels can PG faster, also there will always be someone that too high level you can't change that. Just to be honest, there is no person that can make playing this server comofortable for everyone. There's gonna be always complains and so on. I am sure incrasing exp would be great shoot for beginning. After that implementing all other things should be "polled" by Mark or someone and discussed. Everything can be implemented trough conversation.
I don't understand why you guys ask for a new server.. It will only die in time or become full of DDosing Trigger happy morons as Lunarforce is right now. Kind of stupid to waste Mark's time on this, you guys wanted a Hardcore server, they gave you Lunarforce. You guys want a server with skulls and shit? Shadowcores buds.

Lower EXP with access to every single spawn rendering the server more RPG than anything? I got one for you guys: www.Tibia.com, have fun.
Dino made a wise comment but in my opinion the best way to solve the SSA and High magic level rates would be to make really low magic level rates, high mages with ml 90~ and just delete the most retarded item in the game: SSA. srsly the retard @ cipsoft that created this item must be the most retarded guy. In every game mages are squishy. but in Tibia 10.~~ Mages are the biggest tank because of 1 item which is SSA. Mages are just a little overpowered in my opinion espesially when they have both high magic level and SSA. Delete ssa. u still have might rings and EK's and RPS will be more fun and more usefull in war.
make lower mlvls and delete m rings and ssas from djin shops. maybe make it lootable from monsters but in lower rate
Delete ssa? he could make exhaust if you got "Red Cross" Don't forget Stone Skin Amulets are also used to block monsters.
About SSA i don't think that is the best idea to delete them, just decrease his def. About mlvl, if Mark rate them to x1/x0.5 could be more fair in wars. What about when people die in warmode/players his stamina regenerate (not at all)? This could be an incentive to charlovers. A new server now is out of idea as Mark said, reset lunarforce idem. At least some of mine/others idea can help lunarforce to be more populated..
Who cares if you play here or not? this is my suggestion for a new server.
All quests to access areas (Yalahar, Okolnir etc...)
Offline Training (x1)
Experience (Low, x2 from 180 or 200)
Death (You should lose 120-160% by monsters and 70-120% by players)
Frags (Same as shadowcores)
Loot (x 1.5 or x2 )
Sms Shop (No items such as wrath, inq, warzone, deeplings rewards)
Much more....
all ok instead of access yala,okolnir .. will be good like as shadow and off training x2