• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[USA 9.6] PurePvp Reborn Pvp-E (Purepvp.servegame.com) (Beta)

14 years has been since i played this, the best server in my life, i truly cant find anything like this (when it was 8.1), i still remember all items, spells, vocations, maps, etc, how i wish you bring it back, the original server!! now days that all are otc and vBots ppl look for real servers, this had a very good pve and pvp style, the scalating system of manarunes, like enchanted inkwel, plague/celestial set, pff just the best, im one of the more luckiest person by having the opportunity of play that server in a far 2009/2010

-Devil May Cry (

I am the owner of the server. My name is Jonathan, you will most likely find me in game on Jonathan, God, or Fujin. Like Lucid said, we ran a server in the past and our intentions are to bring back the fun times of the old server while keeping everything balanced as time progresses on.

Right now the maps/content are in development and the community is still very small. Even though the server is currently in the "development stage", we are hoping to get the community growing and get everyone's feedback on the current content and possible ideas for future content.

Please make an account at purepvp.servegame.com and come take a look at everything!

I look forward to seeing some people in game!

Jon/God/Vonuzur :)
This is about 8 years overdue but I miss our server so much. Thank you for the memories. Would be great to get back into this again. Miss green vs red team. Miss my maze and seeing Fujin run around thais trying not to get killed