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[USA] Rise Of Abbadon 8.60 - 100% Custom RPG

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Server is not dead and i don't think it will be for a while just some minor error's that gotta be fixed just hold you gaming fingers and hope for the best. The longer you wait the better it gets as i was always told. So while you guys are waiting figure out something that will pass time till this issue is dealt with.
Server is not dead and i don't think it will be for a while just some minor error's that gotta be fixed just hold you gaming fingers and hope for the best. The longer you wait the better it gets as i was always told. So while you guys are waiting figure out something that will pass time till this issue is dealt with.

wwaaaaaaaaa, really? i was confident time was standing still until server issues were dealt with.

All i can say for right now find another server to play until this one is back up or until Heartless/Flatlander responds.
I refuse to use websites, so if we do move it to my servers there will be no website.

We will get all the bugs out, the point of having the server open before it is finished is solely to use all you as guinea pigs to find bugs.

By the way:
If you say "The monsters are too hard I Quit" and then an hour later message us again and say "Hunters hit too hard I quit" and then another hour or two later we get "I just died to lag and lost a T2 wand I quit". I just want to let you know we are in ventrillo saying:
Heartless - "He quit again"
Flatlander - "Is he still online?"
Heartless - "Yes, he is going back to the same hunting spawn he just died in"
Flatlander - "How is that quitting?"
Heartless - "I don't know but I bet when he dies next he'll message me that he quits again"
~Heartless watches the player die~
Player - "Monsters are WAY TOO HARD I am quitting"
~both of us laugh and laugh~
I refuse to use websites, so if we do move it to my servers there will be no website.

We will get all the bugs out, the point of having the server open before it is finished is solely to use all you as guinea pigs to find bugs.

By the way:
If you say "The monsters are too hard I Quit" and then an hour later message us again and say "Hunters hit too hard I quit" and then another hour or two later we get "I just died to lag and lost a T2 wand I quit". I just want to let you know we are in ventrillo saying:
Heartless - "He quit again"
Flatlander - "Is he still online?"
Heartless - "Yes, he is going back to the same hunting spawn he just died in"
Flatlander - "How is that quitting?"
Heartless - "I don't know but I bet when he dies next he'll message me that he quits again"
~Heartless watches the player die~
Player - "Monsters are WAY TOO HARD I am quitting"
~both of us laugh and laugh~

Haha that was great :) can i join your vent ?
I'm currently at work, I am sure once Heartless wakes up he will start up the server (He might work today too though).
Server has been great for the time that I was able to play, but you have to admit..; the server has been way to un-stable to play so far. Maybe you guys should leave the server offline and have a few more weeks of testing & tweaking, because the downtime in the first 18 hours of the server so far has been huge. Just my opinion.
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It isn't about tweaking, the thing is, we ran this server for weeks strait with no crashes before we released it.

the only bug that crashed the server was a Flag 13 bug with the global server save. We fixed that. Of course somehow it came back a few times (Somehow or SOMEONE (looks at Heartless and Sportacus) kept putting the old save.lua in that had the Flag 13 bug in it.

Well the last few times the server crashed we didn't even have a save, or clean, or anything on the server.

Which leads me to believe 1 of 3 things.
1) Heartless isn't using the server in the right folder (We have Test Server, and Open Server).
2) Something happened to the actual physical computer the server was running on after the save bug so it needed a physical restart.
3) The save bug caused the SQL database to be corrupt and the only way to fix it is to reset accounts.
and lastly and VERY unlikely 4) There is some other bug that is causing the server to crash.
well at least you have somewhere to start and hopefully, finish this damn bug :D
Finishing this server will be more work than just fixing bugs.

We are working on fixing all the bugs first because, once we have all the bugs gone, we can work solely on content.

THAT is when making a server gets fun. Right now it's just all grunt work.
Once we can work on new quests, monsters, bosses, lore, secret areas, and other content is when I think we will all be happier lol.
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