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[League of Legends] General Discussion

What can I do?
5 minutes into the game: top was already lost with 5 deaths, bot gave 3 deaths and jungler died once ganking my mid cause he can't see that I had no fucking mana.
Jungler didnt want to give me blue also.
I even maxed w first so I could zone people out in teamfights so the rest of the team could have some sort of advantage.

Seriously.. I try to play safe, roam as much as I can and help other lanes and try to tell them to get wards but nobody cares. No matter what you do, some of these matches are IMPOSSIBLE to carry or turn around.
Hopefully by the time s3 comes i'll be better with last hitting and wont be qeued with this many retards.


1k elo? welcome to elohell :D pick kata mid, get penta and carry team gg.
Elo hell is alittle different, doesn't matter how well you play sometimes, because there's always a chance(A big one 65% atleast) you got some complete and utter dumb cunt that has no idea what the hell he is doing to the point where you sit & wonder wtf you did to have been blessed with such a tool.
They're banding together in my games aswell, there starting to duo so be on guard :<

last night, i got put with a 1500 elo player who was premading with someone who must have been in ELO hell, we were against a group there were just ranked 1250-, or not even properly ranked yet.
The 1500 ELO player, fed top & his olaf friend who went jungle, failed ganking & also fed.

I knew their elo because of Lolkings & checked before the game started because the 1500 ELO player was bragging about how he's going to carry us because he's 1500.
I felt dirty after that game :'(

Um first of all. If you're good enough you can carry no matter what. That's the point that Nikodada is trying to tell.
Also, if you aren't good enough you keep playing and practicing until you can carry your team.
Um first of all. If you're good enough you can carry no matter what. That's the point that Nikodada is trying to tell.
Also, if you aren't good enough you keep playing and practicing until you can carry your team.

That's complete bullshit.
If you're mid & you do decent on your lane not get completely fed just decent to the point were you've farmed & maybe made one kill, but bottom feed the AD carry & top feeds enemy jungler, by 0/5~ you can't carry it, there is a chance you may win the team fight faze but with the enemy being that strong it is literally a stuggle, it will boil down to team setups & if you don't have one that completly demolishes what they have then you arn't carrying, does not matter how good you are, i know you like to think your the shiznit, but LoL is a team game, you can't solo it.

That's not including baron/dragon situations, you may get baron & win, this has happen afew times before, but again when the enemy are that far ahead if they have half a brain, they've normally got wards everywhere & an oracle stomping out any ward you have, with complete map control & a decent fed team compared to the puny stragglers you have on your team.. pfft.

But yea, please tell us about how you rofl stomped the enemy when your friends are 0/7 by 10minutes, you win the RARE occasion when the enemy slip or you have a decent team setup, but mostly likly if your team is that bad at the beginning you ain't doing jackshit by end game.

Oh & i say 0/7 because i've been in a game, where both the support & the AD carry both had 7 deaths EACH by 8 minutes, some of the crazy shit people manage to pull off, i mean i feel you if your having a bad day, but dude.. self control, focus your inner chakra or someshit, 0/7 by 8 minutes is just retarded.

This doesn't happen all the time in my games, but i say it mainly because i spectate alot of my friends games & he's probably the same skill level if not slightly better, but he gets matched with these types of people more than i do, he's stuck at 1000~ elo, calls me lucky because i managed to pull out at least & get 1300 so that sort of bullshit doesn't really happen to me, but god damn when it does it's annoying.

We can even add in the people who leave after they've died 2 times aswell if you want.
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Andddd you forget that their team can also hop into a situation just like yours. Then you [should] win the game.
Keep complaining about the single times you get retardteams, nobody cares. In the end, you should get more wins then losses (more elo) if you're better, and thus rise.
Your elo does reflect your skill.

Fun fact: Someone who's quite skilled got 6 LoL accounts, all of them are at least 1.6k elo, his main at 2.2/2.3k elo. Shows how you don't drop elo if you are good enough.
You're elo doesn't reflect your skill sometimes. I lost alot of games due to trolls and I've even had plenty of leavers.
My elo is 1175~

I know for a fact it doesn't reflect your skill. It reflects on your capability of carrying your team until you reach the 1500 elo, THEN it reflects your skill. IMO anyway.
What can I do?
5 minutes into the game: top was already lost with 5 deaths, bot gave 3 deaths and jungler died once ganking my mid cause he can't see that I had no fucking mana.
Jungler didnt want to give me blue also.
I even maxed w first so I could zone people out in teamfights so the rest of the team could have some sort of advantage.

Seriously.. I try to play safe, roam as much as I can and help other lanes and try to tell them to get wards but nobody cares. No matter what you do, some of these matches are IMPOSSIBLE to carry or turn around.
Hopefully by the time s3 comes i'll be better with last hitting and wont be qeued with this many retards.


for starters, dont build archangel on anivia

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Also, if I go below 1150 I still get silver medal right? That's what I heard atleast

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Season 2 rewards will be based on the highest rating you achieve between now and the end of the season. Once you’ve achieved a tier, you’ll have it for good, and playing more games can only help you out. In order to do this, we are resetting Top Rating for all players to their Current Rating and will be using Top Rating to determine end-of-season reward tiers.
Anymore info? He looks cool, I think he's going to be a jungler.

If you take the time to examine the many wonders of nature, you’ll find a fair number of animals that are remarkably well-adapted to their environment.
It isn’t every day, however, that you run across a creature that can adapt to every environment.

Feast your eyes on this fine specimen here. Meet Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver – the most highly-evolved champion yet to grace the Fields of Justice.
Maybe you’re marveling at the iridescent wings or the intimidating spike racks? Well, you’ll find that’s just one of many possible evolutionary paths your Voidreaver can take.
Perhaps some adaptive camouflage and wicked, scythe-like claws might be more appropriate to your particular hunting ground.
Whichever evolutions you choose to manifest, you’ll find Kha’Zix has just the tools you need to viciously slaughter unsuspecting prey.

If you’re the kind of assassin that’s always ready to adapt, evolve, and overcome, you’ll want to keep an eye on the latest addition to the Void lineup.

Sounds like another Twitch or Rengar (assassins).
I think it might be available on the test server, though.
I know for a fact it doesn't reflect your skill. It reflects on your capability of carrying your team until you reach the 1500 elo, THEN it reflects your skill. IMO anyway.

Why? You still forget the games where their team is shit. If you're better then the average players in your elo, you will rise. Of course, you will not rise without any losses, but you will rise if you play better which might involve carrying teams sometimes.
Why? You still forget the games where their team is shit. If you're better then the average players in your elo, you will rise. Of course, you will not rise without any losses, but you will rise if you play better which might involve carrying teams sometimes.

Let's discuss my elo.

My team always feeds, constantly. Other team always plays smart constantly.

Define feed;
Runs into enemies 1v5 / 2v5 gets smashed
Turret dives then gets fucking owned by some guy with 20 HP.

Define smart;
Plays defensively (which I do)
Goes for correct kills (which I do)
Goes in blocks of 4 minimum to attack enemies at late game (which i try to do)

Carrying is almost impossible since they are all fed. The only way to carry I guess would be in duo queue with 2 carries, AD and AP.
Logical thinking in LoL is stupid.

These are the answers you get from a high elo player. (summary)

High elo: noob
low elo: 1vs1?
high elo: it's a team game noob

low elo: how do i get out of elo hell
high elo: carry games alone

See what I did there?

Most high elo players pours out the same shit from their mouths all the time. It's all about luck and chance.

Win first 5 games and it's K.
Play shit loads of games and win more than you lose and it's K.

There's no quick way out of elo hell(low elo) and you shouldn't ask for advice. They'll give you the classic douchebag answer.
Logical thinking in LoL is stupid.

These are the answers you get from a high elo player. (summary)

High elo: noob
low elo: 1vs1?
high elo: it's a team game noob

low elo: how do i get out of elo hell
high elo: carry games alone

See what I did there?

Most high elo players pours out the same shit from their mouths all the time. It's all about luck and chance.

Win first 5 games and it's K.
Play shit loads of games and win more than you lose and it's K.

There's no quick way out of elo hell(low elo) and you shouldn't ask for advice. They'll give you the classic douchebag answer.

I'm not asking for advice at all. I just showed a screenshot of how dumbfucked some people are from my elo.
I don't want tips, advice etc. Because I know, I will get the same answer. :p
That's complete bullshit.
If you're mid & you do decent on your lane not get completely fed just decent to the point were you've farmed & maybe made one kill, but bottom feed the AD carry & top feeds enemy jungler, by 0/5~ you can't carry it, there is a chance you may win the team fight faze but with the enemy being that strong it is literally a stuggle, it will boil down to team setups & if you don't have one that completly demolishes what they have then you arn't carrying, does not matter how good you are, i know you like to think your the shiznit, but LoL is a team game, you can't solo it.

That's not including baron/dragon situations, you may get baron & win, this has happen afew times before, but again when the enemy are that far ahead if they have half a brain, they've normally got wards everywhere & an oracle stomping out any ward you have, with complete map control & a decent fed team compared to the puny stragglers you have on your team.. pfft.

But yea, please tell us about how you rofl stomped the enemy when your friends are 0/7 by 10minutes, you win the RARE occasion when the enemy slip or you have a decent team setup, but mostly likly if your team is that bad at the beginning you ain't doing jackshit by end game.

Oh & i say 0/7 because i've been in a game, where both the support & the AD carry both had 7 deaths EACH by 8 minutes, some of the crazy shit people manage to pull off, i mean i feel you if your having a bad day, but dude.. self control, focus your inner chakra or someshit, 0/7 by 8 minutes is just retarded.

This doesn't happen all the time in my games, but i say it mainly because i spectate alot of my friends games & he's probably the same skill level if not slightly better, but he gets matched with these types of people more than i do, he's stuck at 1000~ elo, calls me lucky because i managed to pull out at least & get 1300 so that sort of bullshit doesn't really happen to me, but god damn when it does it's annoying.

We can even add in the people who leave after they've died 2 times aswell if you want.

If it's bullshit, then how come not everyone is below 1250 elo?
It's not bullshit. If you want to carry games properly you go jungle or AD.
If you're in the jungle you help the lanes. If you're AD and can farm properly and not be greedy then you'll likely stomp the other team's AD.
If it's bullshit, then how come not everyone is below 1250 elo?
It's not bullshit. If you want to carry games properly you go jungle or AD.
If you're in the jungle you help the lanes. If you're AD and can farm properly and not be greedy then you'll likely stomp the other team's AD.

I think you missed my post there, pal.
It reflects on your capability of carrying your team until you reach the 1500 elo, THEN it reflects your skill. IMO anyway.

I don't think it reflects your skill until later, the stupid shit i've seen them do.

A perfect example is in the OddOnes game last night, his game had a bad team setup, but they could've won if played smartly, which the rest of his team did, exept for one, this Sona "Single-handedly" cocked up there game, by rushing into the enemy who were right waiting with a blitz.
Everyone in the team LoL'ed, because they all knew what they were suppose to do exept this Sona, the vlad was suppose to bait, get pulled then get bursted while senguining so his team could then jump into the bush, that's not what happened, the OddOne pinged & the sona went straight in.
Simple miss understanding, maybe at his ELO it probably was, but when that stuff happens at my ELO it isn't a "Simple miss understanding", but that game was ruined by someone that wasn't thinking, & far from the same page as the rest of her team.

You can carrying games, yea, but it depends on how your team plays, if your an AD carry, the enemy have half a brain, they know to focus you, can your team defend you properly, will they ignore you & go off chasing someone while you get nailed, will they focus the tank, can there enemy champs zone you better.
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Let's discuss my elo.

My team always feeds, constantly. Other team always plays smart constantly.

Define feed;
Runs into enemies 1v5 / 2v5 gets smashed
Turret dives then gets fucking owned by some guy with 20 HP.

Define smart;
Plays defensively (which I do)
Goes for correct kills (which I do)
Goes in blocks of 4 minimum to attack enemies at late game (which i try to do)

Carrying is almost impossible since they are all fed. The only way to carry I guess would be in duo queue with 2 carries, AD and AP.

And you forget my statement once again. Sometimes your team is the "smarter" side, while their team are those feeders.
I don't think you always get on the feeding team, that's just bullshit.

Don't forget there's always a winning and always a losing team, and I severely recommend to dodge the game if your team is retarded in champselect since there isn't any real penalty yet if you do.
And you forget my statement once again. Sometimes your team is the "smarter" side, while their team are those feeders.
I don't think you always get on the feeding team, that's just bullshit.

Don't forget there's always a winning and always a losing team, and I severely recommend to dodge the game if your team is retarded in champselect since there isn't any real penalty yet if you do.

Okay, next 5 games I play I will post here and show you.