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League of Legends, the new "Tibia"

No, it doesn't.

There are video games that I love and adore, such as Popful Mail on the Sega CD and Guardian Heroes on the Sega Saturn that I have gone out of my way to get actually get the physical copy in box.

BUT, neither of those games I could call a 'hobby' or a 'life style'

I couldn't play 100+ hours of Popful Mail or Guardian Heroes if I even tried too, but i've clocked well over 1,000+ hours (probably closer to 5000+ hours now) of League without trying, and easily am past 10,000 hours of Tibia.

Thats because of a few reasons.

1. League and Tibia are a daily routine.

Often times I find myself at the gym or at work thinking about league while I do other things.
This has been going on for YEARS not days, or a month or two, YEARS.

Me playing League and Tibia is a daily event that is similar to checking the mail everyday, brushing my teeth, or even going to the bathroom.

It is apart of my daily routine, and it is habit for me to look forward to logging on there.

With a video game like Popful Mail or Guardian Heroes, or any video game really, the allure to it dies out after you have beaten it and gone over all of it's content.

As much as I love those games, I can't make them apart of my daily life, or stay hyped on them.

2. Video games stop at the game.

Once I've played Popful Mail, and showed it to my friends, and even record a 'Lets Play' of it, the hobby of that game is 'over'. I can't really do much more than that with it. I guess I could cosplay as Mail, but eh, no one on earth wants that.

But with Tibia and League, there are constant updates, I can make friends on them, and the games themselves lead to discussion that is outside of just the game.

3. Tibia and League are multiplayer, most video games are not.

I have made friends, real life time friends over Tibia and League, that I have bonded with, I have never actually done that with any 'video game'.

4. I can hang out on Tibia and League, I can't hang out on video games.

Some what similar to 4, but, I often log on Tibia or League, and just chat to people and mess around.

I can't just turn on Popful Mail and hang out on it.

Point is, League and Tibia are played as hobbys, similar to someone who collect comics, or paints pictures, while video games are something you play in relative small spurts and are done with afterwards. Tibia has literally outlasted the PS1, 2 and 3 for me, and their whole libraries, and is on it's way to outlasting the PS 4 too.
Well what i was getting at, was the aspect of upon any game you can talk about it.
Saying that LoL and Tibia is similar because you can talk about these games after playing is quite far fetched imo xD
In addition saying that LoL and and TIbia is more of an hobbies than a video games is also confusing.
They both are video games.. Is it hobby for a player has nothing to do with it.
And on topic. Saying that LoL and Tibia are similar because both are video games are also pretty far fetched here.

Every person has its own boundary where one says: "well it is similar enough for me".
But saying that LoL and Tibia are similar?
Well then.. your boundaries are pretty wide here then.
Well what i was getting at, was the aspect of upon any game you can talk about it.
Saying that LoL and Tibia is similar because you can talk about these games after playing is quite far fetched imo xD
In addition saying that LoL and and TIbia is more of an hobbies than a video games is also confusing.
They both are video games.. Is it hobby for a player has nothing to do with it.
And on topic. Saying that LoL and Tibia are similar because both are video games are also pretty far fetched here.

Every person has its own boundary where one says: "well it is similar enough for me".
But saying that LoL and Tibia are similar?
Well then.. your boundaries are pretty wide here then.

All I was meaning to get at is, is that Tibia and League fill the same 'hole' in a person life, and that is an online hobby that happens to be a video game.

Most MMOs are played like hobbys, and not video games.

A person can own the whole library of Wii U video games, but none of them will fill role as a Tibia, LoL, Path of Exiles, etc.

Online games and regular games are massive different.

Tibia and LoL are similar as they can be played as individual hobbys for extensive periods of time, if not indefinitely.

This is why the same type of people are playing league now, than tibia.
Both DotA and Tibia were popular games in Sweden and other countries in Northern Europe, long before League of Legends and even World of Warcraft came to the market. It doesn't make ask much sense to drop names anymore, but if you were around back them you probably know about a few of these players:

* Liam Darkcrosser (Swedish player on Aurea), deleted due to account sharing. Not sure if true or false, because many Swedes played on LAN cafés back in the days. He was getting drafting into the army anyway, which is the reason many Korean players quit OGN/LCK according to Christoffer "Montecristo" Mykkles.

* Messiah (Spanish speaker, forgot which server), played until he got bored. He then have the character to his little brother who masspked until deletion. The older brother went on to create BlackD tools, mostly to help his disabled friend play Tibia (according to an interview).

* Qwenball Toots (UK player, Aurea), is the only player I know personally from the Toots clan back in the early days. I must assume they played together before then, because they started with a family name, rather than a guild. Maybe it's tradition from when there was no such guild system. Maybe just for fun. I believe he came from or went to Valoria after the wars against Liam (Mandus) because he later created a perfect copy OT server of the wars on that server, aka Warloria.

The reason CIPsoft had such success in early days, was that starting "fresh" on every new server became the norm, but at some point it became a paradox. There was a market of character trading and that's not really acceptable for a children's game. A high level could sell for $100s or $1000s or even more. It was insane.

After all, Tibia started out as a MUD, that were originally just text and became what later became known as MOBA. There was no point in grinding PVE just to PVP.

All of what you said is true and fact, but I still don't see what this thread is all about. Is there a question to be answered? A dilemma to be solved?

We can go on discussing similarities and differences between the two games for ages, but ultimately, and there is no denying it, they are 2 completely different games.

Games, before, were very new to the whole multiplayer thing. You were lucky to find a game with a good multiplayer mode, and that just worked for local networks or, in case of consoles, 2-player modes. It was extremely rare to see an MMORPG 20 years ago, when Tibia was made. In it initial state, it wasn't exactly what you would call an MMORPG, like stated above, it was a MUD, and then slowly developed further. Similar to what some of us are doing with our OTs, Tibia also started as a bunch of college students trying to find something to do in their free time, grabbing sprites from another game and coding noobishly (tibia's client and engine were rewritten from the core numerous times according to Tibia.com's articles). League of Legends on the other hand is just a second attempt and approach at something that already existed in the same form, with a few changes here and there, because Guinsoo saw the opportunity to turn the popular Dota (which was a WC3 mod) into a standalone game and create some mechanics that were not possible in the WC3 editor to further innovate the genre. But in the end, all MOBAs share 90% similarities and have pretty much nothing new to offer, it's only up to you to pick one that you like the most.

Like Sportacus said, these games are different from ordinary games. They are a hobby, and they are something you must put constant work into. Tibia and League are 2 of my favorite online games of all time, but I don't play Tibia anymore. I haven't played RL Tibia in years. The servers (the ones I'm familiar with and have characters on) are either empty, dominated by war teams, or filled with hateful people and botters. Back in the day, I'd hang out in depot, play some fast-hands and dice, talk with people, and to this day, I accredit everything I have to Tibia. But I find no joy in playing it anymore. It's only nostalgia and wishful thinking speaking from me right now.

League took Tibia's place because it's a different thing. It lets you play a game, two, three, but once the game is over, it's over for good and you had your share of "league adrenaline" for the day, then you can go on with your life and do other stuff during the day. And even though you are playing the same game, chances are, that in your entire life (unless it's premade on purpose), you will never play 2 same games of league in terms of champion matching. With 127 champions in the game, there are over 2 quadrillion different combinations that 2 teams of 5 players can set up as the picks for each game.

In Tibia, you are never truly 'done' with the game, not now, not ever, not even Kharsek, because the game is designed to have no end. The game is designed to keep you playing forever and constantly developing the same character, killing the same exact monsters over and over until you blow your brains out. All of the content is super predictable, there is little to no dynamic in today's Tibia, and the game has not had anything new to offer for ages. The last really nice change were the "world changes" they implemented a while ago, but that was a fad that lasted shortly, and now they're predictable and repetitive as well. Cipsoft makes steps in the right direction sometimes, but often when they do that, they follow up by taking 10 steps backwards. There have been the same 4 vocations for 20 years, and correct me if I wrong, but up to level 150, you will have unlocked all of your spells and things your character can do. Now go spam those same spells for years and years to come just to upgrade your equipment with what? Other equipment that has the exact same stats and abilities like your previous stuff, except maybe 1-2 more armor or defense.

If anything, looking at all of this as a developer can make you realize what you have to do to make your own game better and what not to do. Cipsoft, for me, has always been an example of how not to run a company, and it has been a motivation in the sense of "if Cipsoft could succeed, then I can succeed 100%". Riot games? ... Well, rito is rito, but more often than not, they seem to know exactly what they're doing, otherwise, they wouldn't be the one of the most powerful game companies in the world right now, coming up a few years ago and already competing with companies like Blizzard, Bethesda, EA, etc.
I made it a challenge to, whenever someone posted "proof", to upload myself doing whatever proved cheating, but better. With mouse recording. I doubt there are still many cheaters around oldskool tibia. The thing about "cheating" is that open tibia was rarely as well coded as real tibia.

Actually, there are more cheaters now.
Also usinb better tools that work like a 8.0+ client.
BTW I only care about pvp cheats.