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This is so annoying to these retarded owners of this ot

I feel sorry for anyone who hates people because of their religion. Goodluck in life being that narrow-minded. Germans, Swe, and everyone else is okay when it comes to having muslim futbal players on their team and loves them, but hates all immigrants.
There's no problem when ppl come to your country and start to acclimatize. Problem is when they want to have better rights than native citizens or try to impose their religion and convictions like muslims do.
There's no problem when ppl come to your country and start to acclimatize. Problem is when they want to have better rights than native citizens or try to impose their religion and convictions like muslims do.

sad little boy. If people come to a new country as immigrants they should forget about their religion and culture and adopt a new one? Have you ever thought that maybe its possible to be part of two cultures. Besides Europe in its history has gone to plenty of muslim countries and other countries and imposed their will on their people by slaughtering them and forcing them to change religions.

Go get educated on cultural differences you little fool, instead of coming on a tibia forum and spreading anti-islamic propaganda. Fucking sad that I even have to put you in your place and even discuss this with you on an OT forum.

Again goodluck in your life, I can see you will need it.
Dino - he has a point. People that immigrate to a new country should try to adopt instead of forcing their values and beliefs on native citizens. I agree that they have a right to practice their religion etc, however the society should not be divided on cultural differences as you say.

About history - see america and their melting pot.
Dino - he has a point. People that immigrate to a new country should try to adopt instead of forcing their values and beliefs on native citizens. I agree that they have a right to practice their religion etc, however the society should not be divided on cultural differences as you say.

About history - see america and their melting pot.

Oh ok please educate me on how it is in America. You guys don't know a damn thing about USA and only talk about what you hear on the news. The same goes about how you feel about Muslims. You hear it from your racist parents and the media. What you guys are too naive to understand is that the media is almost all bullshit and the stories they share are most of the time just select cases that don't represent the issue being discussed. He has no point, millions of innocent kids, women, elderly muslims have been killed in the middle east in the past few years. The way it was possible to happen is because the media has fucked your brain so hard that you don't value muslim's life as the life of another person. You hear over and over on the news this many died and that many injured that you have become desensitized to it and don't care anymore. Then these people go to another country to better their life for their families and what do they get? Racism and hate from faggots like this Lokuf...and then they are suppose to accept your ways? A person who goes to another country and forgets about his roots is not a person.

Fucking fools
hahaha, said by a guy who's trying to offend someone by calling him 'br' XD?

the worst thing which now can happen to Europe is a perspective of being overtaken by muslims, remember that.
Why you trying to act all smart on forum? No one cares about your facts about Europe we can all see the news.
You know, I'm doing phd politics so i think I know that my sources are not limited to what I hear from my parents and news so bad try. I could counterbalance all of your "points" but I dont think you would understand.. no offence. You are not being objective in anyway, you just go on and say "shut up, i know better". You are going on "us versus them" discussion which doesnt relate to anything that was mentioned by me and lokuf. We are aware that there is a middle-east discontent that involves brutal slaughters which the "West" are responsible for. But what you;re saying that this gives the Muslims right to occupy a country and put forward policies that undermine the native citizens? I understand that the Western countries aimed to do that in the middle-east and it is wrong. Racism and hate is not created by people like Lokuf, it is created by the people that have similar thinking to yours. I'm an immigrant myself and I adapted, never forgetting where I was from, keeping my traditions, values and beliefs, without effecting the wider society.

See, you gotta be more understanding and more objective. I understand the points that you are trying to make and some of them are valid. You can't just say that the points put out by me and lokuf are wrong, because they also have a lot of meaning. About my point about america, i was referring to 1800's where people from different cultures combined and created the new "american" one.

Why you trying to act all smart on forum? No one cares about your facts about Europe we can all see the news.

Dude, you havent finished secondary school, stfu.
You know, I'm doing phd politics so i think I know that my sources are not limited to what I hear from my parents and news so bad try. I could counterbalance all of your "points" but I dont think you would understand.. no offence. You are not being objective in anyway, you just go on and say "shut up, i know better". You are going on "us versus them" discussion which doesnt relate to anything that was mentioned by me and lokuf. We are aware that there is a middle-east discontent that involves brutal slaughters which the "West" are responsible for. But what you;re saying that this gives the Muslims right to occupy a country and put forward policies that undermine the native citizens? I understand that the Western countries aimed to do that in the middle-east and it is wrong. Racism and hate is not created by people like Lokuf, it is created by the people that have similar thinking to yours. I'm an immigrant myself and I adapted, never forgetting where I was from, keeping my traditions, values and beliefs, without effecting the wider society.

See, you gotta be more understanding and more objective. I understand the points that you are trying to make and some of them are valid. You can't just say that the points put out by me and lokuf are wrong, because they also have a lot of meaning. About my point about america, i was referring to 1800's where people from different cultures combined and created the new "american" one.

Dude, you havent finished secondary school, stfu.

You a phd in politics and yet you are so clueless. If you ever went to college you would understand objectivity does not exist. It just sounds good and makes you more politically correct, but in reality it does not exist and there is bias in all view points. Please tell me where have Muslims gone and "taken" over a country. From what I see Muslims are the most oppressed people in Europe. You guys are just paranoid from what I can tell. Do not blame a religion over your countries piece of shit economies. This is where the hate is coming from. Your politicians do not want to take responsibility for sucking dick and destroying your economies so they put it in your head that it's the immigrants fault for stealing your government money. Also what "us vs them" argument. I was saying this Lokuf is a fucking fool for being so ignorant and racist toward a religion when he only probably knows a handful of Muslims and everything else is what he hears from the news. Please dude don't put words in my mouth.

p.s Do you know how dumb you sound to say you are a phd on a forum, considering you are probably 20 years old, and your main argument is I can own you but I won't because you won't understand. Are you one of those first year college kids who think they know everything?
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Well maybe you should have read the rest of my post because the bullshit you wrote now makes you look more stupid than before. I wont even bother replying to all of those crappy statements since its a waste of time because you have not in anyway replied properly to any of my points. Who the fuck are you to say that I am 20 years old and a first year college students? Were did you get this conclusion from. I can say exactly the same about your explanation of objectivity which is probably what, high school? I'm not judgmental and if you blame lokuf for his bias in hating muslims and then do exactly the same, then this is just wasting my time dude.
sad little boy. If people come to a new country as immigrants they should forget about their religion and culture and adopt a new one? Have you ever thought that maybe its possible to be part of two cultures. Besides Europe in its history has gone to plenty of muslim countries and other countries and imposed their will on their people by slaughtering them and forcing them to change religions.

Go get educated on cultural differences you little fool, instead of coming on a tibia forum and spreading anti-islamic propaganda. Fucking sad that I even have to put you in your place and even discuss this with you on an OT forum.

Again goodluck in your life, I can see you will need it.

You're sad, writing about things I've never written here. Never said they should forget about their religion and culture so why you even wrote this? are you fucking stupid or simply you can't read with understanding?

Ye, sure , Europe has gone to plenty of muslims countries but it was 600years ago.

Anti-islamic propaganda? hahahaha

have you ever seen Catholics demonstrating in muslim country? have you seen other religion called ''peace religion'' while in the main writ is written that you're allow to kill dissenters ?

have you seen Catholics having better rights in muslim country, compering to natives?

You just don't know basic facts from the history and you're trying to prove something.

Maybe I need to write it again because huge part of this forum have small problems with reading.
There's no problem when emigrants come to any country just to improve their living conditions, they find a job, they pay taxes, they turn on national economy, they're not living on a social while not working and just extend a hand for more and when they're not given what they think they deserve, making some ''Anti-racist'' demonstrations.

I recommend you to read a statement of former Australian Prime Minister - Kevin Rudd, I fully agree with him so maybe then you will understand my point.

And don't call me racist because obviously you don't know a meaning of this word. I've never written anything racist here. I got my right to have my own point of view.
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You're sad, writing about things I've never written here. Never said they should forget about their religion and culture so why you even wrote this? are you fucking stupid or simply you can't read with understanding?

Ye, sure , Europe has gone to plenty of muslims countries but it was 600years ago.

Anti-islamic propaganda? hahahaha

have you ever seen Catholics demonstrating in muslim country? have you seen other religion called ''peace religion'' while in the main writ is written that you're allow to kill dissenters ?

have you seen Catholics having better rights in muslim country, compering to natives?

You just don't know basic facts from the history and you're trying to prove something.

Maybe I need to write it again because huge part of this forum have small problems with reading.
There's no problem when emigrants come to any country just to improve their living conditions, they find a job, they pay taxes, they turn on national economy, they're not living on a social while not working and just extend a hand for more and when they're not given what they think they deserve, making some ''Anti-racist'' demonstrations.

I recommend you to read a statement of former Australian Prime Minister - Kevin Rudd, I fully agree with him so maybe then you will understand my point.

And don't call me racist because obviously you don't know a meaning of this word. I've never written anything racist here. I got my right to have my own point of view.

Not racist(was getting ready for work and in a hurry) but saying muslims are the biggest problems in European countries and Europe is fucked if Muslims come to power is as discriminatory as one can get. And I said, and then elaborated maybe more than I needed to, that your opinion is exactly what retards who just listen to the news and their parents point of views think while taking no time to actually look into things themselves. Saying Muslims are fucking up countries because they don't want to conform to your rules is hilarious. Cya and it was a cute attempt to break down my sentences and counter them but your reasoning is that of a 2 year old.

However if you want to discuss the negative consequences from the social welfare programs you can do that. When you blame 1 religion or 1 culture for abusing this system and not looking at the country as a whole that is when the problem arises and I can only assume you have some negative attitudes toward that group in general. Maybe European countries need to actually enforce the laws that concern social welfare so people who do not need it do not abuse it, instead of blaming the whole religion lol. And I have to ask if you really believe that Muslims have the same rights in some of these European countries as the citizens. I would argue no, they are given the shittiest treatment....so is it too much to ask for basic rights? And if you are some conspiracy theorist that thinks Muslims want to take over the world or Europe w/e then I just feel bad for you. I am Muslim and I know many Muslims, and I can tell you that our religion is all about tolerance and acceptance. Again the media likes to take select cases which exist in every religion and try to make a big deal out of it. Look at your own life and tell me in the past 5 years did anyone try to impose their religion on you. I would speculate that they didn't.
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I did a little bit of research on Kevin Rudd and thank you for saying you follow his views because this exactly proves my point. You are like the average American voter here who only follows what he hears from a political leader. Your attitude toward muslims MIRRORS that of Kevin Rudd. You clearly don't think for yourself so I am done here and goodluck being that narrow-minded as a person.

I did a little bit of research on Kevin Rudd and thank you for saying you follow his views because this exactly proves my point. You are like the average American voter here who only follows what he hears from a political leader. Your attitude toward muslims MIRRORS that of Kevin Rudd. You clearly don't think for yourself so I am done here and goodluck being that narrow-minded as a person.

I knew you're muslim.

Do you see something bad in the event of that when emigrant come to your country they should accept the rules which oblige in a country ?
Really? you call it hilarious ? if you don't like rules obliged in a country, simply don't come there and stop trying to change the law or the habits.
To give you an example, have you seen Spanish ppl emigrating to the other country who starts to call for a siesta time ? obviously not

When muslims come to foreign country, when their community starts to get bigger they always try to demand something on the goverment.

Like respect sharia law in Australia. If im talking bullshits, why countries like f.e Japan prohibited muslims from coming to their country ? or why Australia made a law about letting muslims come there only in business or travel things etc.

and you call Muslim a peace religion? don't you even know what is written in the Koran or simply only thing you can do is calling someone narrow-minded?

Things like men are more important than women, things about fighting with dissenters etc.

The main difference between Catholics and Muslims is that the Catholics doesn't treat Old Testament as a way of life contrary to Muslims. Catholics countries have a secular law contrary to muslims countries where law is sharia law-bassed. Catholics are not coming to muslims countries fighting for hanging a cross in the muslim schools etc.
Main problem in our discussion is fact that im giving you dry facts on which you can't even replay, you're just calling me narrow-minded while you got nothing more to say, remember that if you're muslim and you act as a normal guy, doesn't mean that they all do.
I knew you're muslim.

Do you see something bad in the event of that when emigrant come to your country they should accept the rules which oblige in a country ?
Really? you call it hilarious ? if you don't like rules obliged in a country, simply don't come there and stop trying to change the law or the habits.
To give you an example, have you seen Spanish ppl emigrating to the other country who starts to call for a siesta time ? obviously not

When muslims come to foreign country, when their community starts to get bigger they always try to demand something on the goverment.

Like respect sharia law in Australia. If im talking bullshits, why countries like f.e Japan prohibited muslims from coming to their country ? or why Australia made a law about letting muslims come there only in business or travel things etc.

and you call Muslim a peace religion? don't you even know what is written in the Koran or simply only thing you can do is calling someone narrow-minded?

Things like men are more important than women, things about fighting with dissenters etc.

The main difference between Catholics and Muslims is that the Catholics doesn't treat Old Testament as a way of life contrary to Muslims. Catholics countries have a secular law contrary to muslims countries where law is sharia law-bassed. Catholics are not coming to muslims countries fighting for hanging a cross in the muslim schools etc.
Main problem in our discussion is fact that im giving you dry facts on which you can't even replay, you're just calling me narrow-minded while you got nothing more to say, remember that if you're muslim and you act as a normal guy, doesn't mean that they all do.
I see alot of this as true tbh Dino, not being racist to anyone but the town that im from its a hugh amount of muslims living in one area and as they got bigger they built a place of worship for themselfs and started to terrorise churches because they dont like the religion. That shit makes me mad, they came here to try make a living and what not and we let them but they disrespect OUR religion and our facilities.
+1 danneh, our country is a joke because of the amount of immigrants they let in.. few months back a solider got beheaded in the streets of the capital city and he said he done it because his god told him to.. (he was muslim)

alot of these people also claim benefits in order to live, fair enough if they work etc but they dont, causing them to ruin the economy and our country.
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