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Scarlet Horn - Discussion Thread

The wood will be required somewhere, and you can only chuck wood at a "special" place for "special" purpose.
The gems are just for show, you will mine other things.
(>.< dunno if I should spoil things... )

Maybe we'll do something like professions?
(Still up for discussion)
We won't copy/paste teckman's system though, I'd rather use a custom one (since we have 3 scripters).
It won't differ that much since there are limited ways and professions are professions, can't change much about that.
If HesteN agrees to that we'll get to work right on and also ask for your input in a way.
The wood will be required somewhere, and you can only chuck wood at a "special" place for "special" purpose.
The gems are just for show, you will mine other things.
(>.< dunno if I should spoil things... )

Maybe we'll do something like professions?
(Still up for discussion)
We won't copy/paste teckman's system though, I'd rather use a custom one (since we have 3 scripters).
It won't differ that much since there are limited ways and professions are professions, can't change much about that.
If HesteN agrees to that we'll get to work right on and also ask for your input in a way.
Alright and no, don't spoil. I'm sure to make Hesten spoil to me but that doesn't mean whole otland should know yet :p
Yeah I said the same thing about the mining thing, ofc that it cant be thoose gems u get :p there could be small rubys/emeralds and such. But no I dont want there to be "professions" thats just going to be to much focus on that, we will use thoose 2 ideas but only as quests
Aight, as HesteN says, the scripts will make some quests a little bit funnier ;)

Any update?
New things to script, HesteN ;) ?
Make sure you have a viking village/city. And unlike rl tibia when you got all spells at lvl 50~ :( you could add spells for even higher lvls, and allow people to utevo res more powerful creatures. And to balance it, give knights great energy beam (trust me its great idea).
And plxxorz have low exp rate(1-2x) so everything will be more enjoyable.

I hope you don't release the OT b4 I have summer holiday, won't be able to study.

And yeah, it would be very cool if you added weed + smokable cigars.
Trololol xd

Viking village = yes, good idea!

Energy beam for knights..? Naaaaaaaaaah I think not!

Exp rate, yep thats exactly what its gonna be !

Hopefully we'll get it up before the summer but u never know!

We'll look into thoose cigars! - Zyntax! I bet you can do this, here's a challange for you! ;) hahaha :D
.... use the search funktion! xD
Maverick scripted that AGES ago !

No seriously, let's do that when we're finished with the "big" tasks ;)
Trololol xd

Viking village = yes, good idea!

Energy beam for knights..? Naaaaaaaaaah I think not!

Exp rate, yep thats exactly what its gonna be !

Hopefully we'll get it up before the summer but u never know!

We'll look into thoose cigars! - Zyntax! I bet you can do this, here's a challange for you! ;) hahaha :D


Cigars and weed is #"%XS easy, even I can do it within a minute or two.

You could let vikings raid some cities like the old times :D They kill everyone, plunder and burn everything. Then they talk proudly about how many civilians or what ever they've killed, how much silver they've gathered and find themselves very honorable.

But yes yes, since many scandinavians are a part of the project I expect some good viking shit.

Events: Marijuana festival
AND what the fack are you talking about xD it's TIBIA!


We'll see about seasonell events, let's focus on finishing first ;)
Few ideas:
* Lot's of task npcs for low level players (kill x rotworms to get x experience and x gold), so people wont get money troubles at start.
* Add extra skills to addons. Examples: Citizen addon backpack = extra cap while wearing it, sniper glove addon will let a player shoot more stable with bows, etc.
* Old 7.4 features: no hotkey aim, burst arrows for mages, less mana to create runes etc.
* Start with a maximum of 3 towns, other towns in updates.
* Don't make stages (5x exp?).
* Use the newest tibia client (not 8.6).
* Try starting a great community: good players will get be a tutor (tutors have to help people on the first side but also have to report botters), enough CMs but not to mutch.

More ideas will follow.
Few ideas:
* Lot's of task npcs for low level players (kill x rotworms to get x experience and x gold), so people wont get money troubles at start.
We are not short on them! In fact, I have nightmares of scripting those npcs -.-
* Add extra skills to addons. Examples: Citizen addon backpack = extra cap while wearing it, sniper glove addon will let a player shoot more stable with bows, etc.
As far as the distro will allowe it there will be bonuses for outfits!
* Old 7.4 features: no hotkey aim, burst arrows for mages, less mana to create runes etc.
Guess that requires source editing, not sure about that for now
* Start with a maximum of 3 towns, other towns in updates.
HesteN's quarter, he'll answer that :p
* Don't make stages (5x exp?).
Low exp for sure! HesteN confirmed that already, it's RPG after all ;)
* Use the newest tibia client (not 8.6).
CONVINCE HESTEN! I'm eager to use the new distros!! He's scared about his mappings though!
* Try starting a great community: good players will get be a tutor (tutors have to help people on the first side but also have to report botters), enough CMs but not to mutch.
Depends on the players, you can have the "best" server, if ppl suddenly dislike it there's no way to force them.

So far so good, more ideas are appreciated ;)

Yeah, we got like 100 unique quests (NPC, chests, blabla) and still growing, there's no end in sight! HALP!
Few ideas:
* Lot's of task npcs for low level players (kill x rotworms to get x experience and x gold), so people wont get money troubles at start.
* Add extra skills to addons. Examples: Citizen addon backpack = extra cap while wearing it, sniper glove addon will let a player shoot more stable with bows, etc.
* Old 7.4 features: no hotkey aim, burst arrows for mages, less mana to create runes etc.
* Start with a maximum of 3 towns, other towns in updates.
* Don't make stages (5x exp?).
* Use the newest tibia client (not 8.6).
* Try starting a great community: good players will get be a tutor (tutors have to help people on the first side but also have to report botters), enough CMs but not to mutch.

More ideas will follow.

First of absolutly already got alot of the low lvl tasks/quests~

About addon features sounds cool actually!

We'll see about the old 7.4 features. Having UH's/pots on hotkeys is something most people actually appreciate now. You wont be able to shoot a player troughh battle tho ofc.

Its going to be exactly 3 actually. Scarlet City, Stoneheart and Gothica.

We are not going to have exp stages, and 5x is waaay to high. It will be a maximum of 2x.

Nah wont use the newest client.

Tutors absolutely, something you may recive from good behaviour like reporting bugs instead of bug abusing (which instead would be punished badly.) reporting botters and so on~

Thanks for the ideas Sentielo keep it up :p
After a LOOONG discussion with HesteN (I threw everything I had towards him!) about changing to the newst or a newer version, I had to admit defeat....

I agree with him that the new versions of tibia just facked up the "old feeling".
You cannot create an epic server with the best old RPG feeling with the new buffs, shitty looking mounts and the flash things. This would be like "Star Wars: Episode VII, the shit starts now!" It's just not right.
We all had the best times back in 7.6 or maybe lower, even 8.0 was an epic time, but after that everything just went towards "I wanna be an rpg game with all the things MMOs have these dayz but I'ma 2D Game...*sob*"

The decission has been made, we'll stay on 8.6~8.62 (pending what to use blabla rev, stable and shit)
Thus we'll be able to create an RPG Server with the old feeling of playing tibia, not an MMO with flashy unreal engines.

Sorry to dissappoint some of you, but HesteN the leader has spoken, his word is absolute! (wahaha, I'm laughing myself while writing that xD)

Aight, let's get shit on!
What happens if we drink to much coffee while working?

Zyntax says:
WWWWWAAAAAAAA I HATE NPCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HesteN says:
why XD
Zyntax says:
R-R-R-R-R-R-Rage quit!!!!
HesteN says:
NPCs is our main job mate, get used to it!
Zyntax says:
HesteN says:
Zyntax says:
HesteN says:
a talking mirror!
Zyntax says:
i knew it xD
HesteN says:
that could be really cool
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who got the biggest balls?"
"You dont. Le fu" and tons o demons spawn

I have an idea, a school with pupils, teachers, principals, curators etc. as I mentioned in your mapping thread. Adding them as passive monsters, maybe a few aggressve troublemakers or so. Though while I thought of this I thought of another idea, a talkaction: !urinate / !pee. You can imagine its purpose. Maybe it could "recharge" after a certain amount of time or after consumng liquids. In my opinion the feeling of destroying and annihlating is great, blowing up explosives in shooters, base raping in strategy games etc.

Kind Regards