• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!


  1. insomniatv

    Just Another Progress Journal- 8.6 EVOLUTION

    Another day, another step forward in building our Tibia 8.6 OTS on the Evolution map! As we continue fine-tuning the server, we’re focused on ensuring a smooth and balanced gameplay experience, refining key quests, and optimizing exp spots. We’re still in the testing phase, and every bug report...
  2. W

    Setting Up TFS 1.6 and OTClient for Tibia 8.6 Features: Guidance Needed

    1. Can TFS 1.6 and OTClient support Tibia 8.6 features (items, spells, and gameplay)? What are the key compatibility issues when using TFS 1.6 with OTClient for this purpose? 2. Can I replace items.xml and spells.xml with Tibia 8.6 files directly? What else needs updating (e.g., monsters...
  3. L

    What about fresh server 8.60 global 1x rates?

    We see hundreds of 8.6 servers being launched and all of them are likely to be full of bots and edited things. I was never a big fan of 8.6 but there is a community that is truly passionate about 8.6. I would like opinions in this discussion topic about: Would an 8.6 server 1x global map only...
  4. Rezoria OTS

    [Poland][8.6] Rezoria - [29.11.2024 - 18:00]

    Welcome! Today I present to you the server Rezoria.eu ! This is an EVOLUTION | MEDIUM EXP | 4FUN/PVP server. Rezoria.eu boasts a really excellent PvP balance, which has been specially tested by those involved in beta testing and willing to cooperate, We can also boast of interesting and unique...
  5. Antony Cordeiro

    [Brazil] [8.6] WARLORD | Global Map - Low Rates | Launch 08 November

    Hello everyone in OTLand, first of all, welcome to Warlord Global! As a player and passionate about the game, I have always been directly or indirectly involved with Tibia. And after so many years, I finally had the opportunity to start the project of opening my own server with the aim of...
  6. dchampag

    [USA][8.6/Custom] Infernal OT - OTClient

    Hi everyone, This is Infernal OT, we are proud to be back with a new server balance and updates. Full custom map, spells, and events. Infernal OT exp rate is custom staged, high exp, high level with rebirth. HP and Mana are shown as a percentage, this is great for the high numbers being...
  7. Rezoria OTS

    [Poland][8.6] Rezoria - [10.08.2024 - 18:00]

    Welcome! Today I present to you the server Rezoria.eu ! This is an EVOLUTION | MEDIUM EXP | 4FUN/PVP server. Rezoria.eu boasts a really excellent PvP balance, which has been specially tested by those involved in beta testing and willing to cooperate, We can also boast of interesting and unique...
  8. N

    Hey everyone! I'm trying to make a magic healing spell. Like Exura Mana.

    So, i want to make the spell "exura mana" wich obviously heals mana, only for mages so they can heal themselves some mana like a knight would do with exura ico. Thing is i don't know how to, or where to begin with. If someone could help me with this script i'd be very thankful :(. If this is the...
  9. N

    how to make 8.6 NPC's .lua files? can anyone help me with this? :D

    So i'm quite new with this. I downloaded the NPC XML File Creating Softwate and it's very helpful, but it only gives me the .XML file and not the .Lua. So.. i want to learn how to make my own Npc's .Lua, if anyone can help me it would be aaaaaaaaaawesome. Please. :D
  10. A

    Lag on 8.6 servers on old client? ( top end pc)

    Hey! Ive been having issues with lag on the old client 8.6. Since i love elfbot and want nostalgia I dont want to play on the new OTclient. I have been reading some threads about this but have no direct answer if there is any solution. Anyone up to helping a fellow brother out? :)
  11. Rezoria OTS

    [Poland][8.6] Rezoria - [12.04.2024 - 18:00]

    Welcome! Today I present to you the server Rezoria.eu ! This is an EVOLUTION | MEDIUM EXP | 4FUN/PVP server. Rezoria.eu boasts a really excellent PvP balance, which has been specially tested by those involved in beta testing and willing to cooperate, We can also boast of interesting and unique...
  12. zdolny

    Looking for help

    Hi guys, for as long as I can remember I have always dream to create my own Tibia server. However, I don't know much about it. That's why I'm writing this post in search of someone who could help me with SQL and so on. Actually, I just want to help with install an engine with a database. I know...
  13. Kiman

    [USA] [8.6] - Grimhaven OT | Season 3 | Start 20TH OF DECEMBER

    Prepare yourselves for the ultimate Tibia 8.6 PVP-E OT-Server experience at Grimhaven! Our server is not just a game; it's an adventure waiting to be conquered. What Makes Grimhaven Stand Out? Unique Randomly Generated Dungeons: As if that's not enough, brace yourselves for our unique...
  14. G

    Lua Erro Script

    hello everyone I got Erro There otx-8.60 [Error - CreatureScript Interface] data/creaturescripts/scripts/levels.lua:onAdvance Description: data/creaturescripts/scripts/levels.lua:60: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: data/creaturescripts/scripts/levels.lua:60: in function...
  15. chucky91

    TFS 8.60 with Cast System

    I modified this project to compile on Windows without using cmake's automatic configuration, however it is not compiling on Ubuntu in cmake. The original project does not compile on Windows or Ubuntu. If someone more experienced in Linux compilation could look into it. It's a good server with...
  16. VitoxMaster

    [TFS 1.5 8.6] STAT_MAXHITPOINTS problem with multiple items

    Hi everyone! I've been working on resistance upgrade system recently. I'm working on TFS 1.5 Nekiro downgrade to 8.6 and I've experienced weird condition behaviour. I have to mention that I've implemented ability feature from tfs-1-3-item-abilities-via-lua-v2. This 'weird behaviour' is...
  17. K

    Losowy item z pudełka tibia 8.6

    Witam. Z góry mówię że jestem świeżakiem i próbuje postawić swój pierwszy ots evo 8.6. Potrzebuje pomocy przy dodaniu komendy dla goda „/randomitem” która miałaby działać tak , że po wpisaniu komendy, gracze (tylko ci którzy są online) otrzymują w pudełku 1 z 10 wybranych losowych itemów Pytanie...
  18. N

    Lua [Tfs 1.5] tibia 8.6 Wall problem

    Hello. ive got a little problem with all walls when ive want throw rune diagonal of any wall. With spells ive got the same problem. Tfs 1.5 downgraded by nekiro. look here: https://gyazo.com/098ecf992f29c73951a494c399c9377a
  19. VitoxMaster

    TalkAction [TFS 1.3+] Player statistics in text dialog

    Hi guys! I've been here for quite some time and I decided to share my last small talkaction implemented for my server. Since my server is based on 8.6 (Nekiro downgrade TFS 1.5) and I use official tibia client I have no possibility to simply implement new window on user interface. That's how an...
  20. kingsnopp

    [POLAND] [8.6] Alpheria Online - Custom Map, planned start 30.07.2023!

    Welcome to Alpheria, an innovative OTS focusing on new solutions in the old style. We are an EVO style server with a completely redesigned map that we hope will attract many players with its design. The map was created based on the classic EVO so that none of the players would have problems...