• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!


  1. I

    A Development Thread | Bringing Back Old Mechanics Into Tibia 8.0

    I've always been a fan of the true functions, mechanics, and formulas of the old tibia, for me those were the perfect values, behaviors, etc for a game. I've always been a lurker here in Otland with zero programming knowledge, I went to university to study software engineering, and now that I...
  2. I

    OpenTibia Convert Correct Mon Values To Xml Values

    Hello, While working on my project, an 8.0 server based on the Real Tibia, I have been updating and fixing its formulas, values, and behaviors based on RealOTS for learning and experimental purposes. Today, I decided to release my script that converts values (currently only converts speed...
  3. F

    [Germany][8.60] Real OTS 29.04.2022 17:00 GMT+2

    Hello, today I like to advertise my and Shakra take on 8.6 RL Tibia server. For the past 2 years, server was developed by Shakra as project PandemiaOTS. He fully downgraded 10.77 map to 8.6, repaired a lot of bugs, optimized and implemented ton of stuff. Fully list can be found on...
  4. Kungenn

    [Germany][7.4] Classic-Gaming - Zanera - TODAY 21:00 CEST - HR - PVP ENFO with Skulls - CIP Engine -

    Welcome adventurer to Zanera! https://www.classic-gaming.org/ Starting TODAY »21:00 CEST April 1« This server is PVP-Enforced BUT with skulls and normal exhaust on the real tibia engine. If you played PVP-Enforced on real tibia you know that there was no skulls and the exhaust was only 1...
  5. Kungenn

    [Germany][7.4] Classic-Gaming - Nova - HIGHRATE RealOTS - Start 18:00 CEST Friday 19th

    Welcome adventurer to Nova! https://www.classic-gaming.org/ Starting this friday »18:00 CEST March 19th« Rates - • Experience Formula is custom (read more below) • Magic Rate is 4x faster • Skill Rate is 4x faster • Spawn Rate is 3x faster • Regeneration is 2x faster (2 mana per tick) Map...
  6. Kungenn

    [Germany][7.4] Classic-Gaming - Zanera - HIGHRATE RealOTS/CIP server with new experience formula -

    Welcome adventurer to Zanera! https://www.classic-gaming.org/ Rates - • Experience Formula is custom (read more below) [Begins at almost 12x experience] • Magic Rate is 4x faster • Skill Rate is 4x faster • Spawn Rate is 3x faster Map - The authentic real map without any changes that was...
  7. Kungenn

    [Germany][7.4] Classic-Gaming - Nova - RealOTS/CIP Server

    Welcome to Classic-Gaming.org's community! We run the server files that was run by RealOTS which is the actual game files from 2006. This means it has it's limitations as to what can be changed but we believe the authenticity outweighs that. We've run this server environment for many many years...
  8. TibiCAM

    [CipSoft Files] all items and their coordinates

    I just extracted all items from the map. This excludes the ground item ids and most blockable items. In case you want to have positions for each (loose/moveable) item in the game. 1 item = 1 row in the file This is CipSoft's item ids, so you may have to change them to your OT server's ids...
  9. Erikas Kontenis

    [Netherlands] [7.92] Sabrehaven | Reverse Engineering Real Tibia OTS

    Greetings, Adventurer, Take a while and listen. ... We are calling You for the great mission and we promise You unforgettable Open Tibia experience. ... Sabrehaven Vanilla Server. ... The most precise reverse-engineering Real Tibia 7.92 OT server. ... See original server map picture here...
  10. Praxtor

    [Germany] 7.7 Arkonia Online [HR] | 8.0 content | RLMap | Hardcore PvP-E | FRIDAY 22/2 - 20.00 CET!

    Server Information Website: soon - goes alive on Saturday 16th Uptime: 24/7 OFFICIAL START: Friday 22 February 20:00 (CET) Version: 7.7 Map content: RL 8.0 MAP Graphics: 7.4 World type: PvP-E Client: antibot 7.72 client ONLY MANUAL AIM - NOT ON HOTKEYS! Server Configuration Experience...
  11. Ezzz

    Nostalrius 7.7

    Hello, community. I'm releasing here my clone of RealOTS 7.7, it's based on TFS 1.2 and comes with everything needed to setup a true 7.7 clone, including formulas and monsters behavior, this server has been running a few times, and since I don't have purpose with it anymore, and my friends...
  12. Ezzz

    Nostalrius 7.7

    Hello, community. I'm releasing here my clone of RealOTS 7.7, it's based on TFS 1.2 and comes with everything needed to setup a true 7.7 clone, including formulas and monsters behavior, this server has been running a few times, and since I don't have purpose with it anymore, and my friends...
  13. RealisticG

    [USA][7.4/7.72] Realistic RealOTS FREE [Thursday, 12/13/2018]

    Hello for all community of OTLand! Today we wanna talk about our new project, called Realistic, and we wanna get your contribuition to know what do you wanna play and how do you wanna play. Our only goal is make the best Open Tibia Server for community of oldschool (also newschool) players...
  14. Olddies

    [Germany] RealOTS 7.7 [Starting A New World High Rates] [Starting Oct 26]

    Hello Dear's players today i want to annunce the start of RealOTS 7.7 high rates version For all those players who dont know about this server, it is the exact copy of Tibia 7.7, that means you need to buy spells and all that what you do in (Tibia CIP), so dont be surprised when you start...
  15. Olddies

    (Solved) RealOTS Game Binary (Paid Job)

    Hello friends, i'm looking someone with the knowleadge of editing the RealOTS game binary and what i want is to change HP And MP Regeneration Sticks Skills Rates Mag Level Rate Loot Rate Spawn Rate whoever wants the job just send me PM here.
  16. Ezzz

    RealOTS Reverse Engineering Server

    This is a learning project, it is not lucrative. This is a game server I'm developing based almost entirely in RealOTS Reverse Engineering code, it started after my www.realotsblog.wordpress.com project was complete. it's purpose is to duplicate RealOTS to its roots, from the most basic to the...
  17. Ecstazya


    Hello folks I have achieved to complete something not many has with some precious files. Features: Proxies all around the globe. Complete 7.7 map downgraded to 7.4 with a few additions. Worldtype: To be set I'd like to ask you a few questions over here 1. What would you like to see on a 7.4...
  18. e.e

    [Italy] [7.7] Realots Testserver (oldschool PvP-E mode; 50% exhaust)

    Greetings Tibians. First some backstory about what this server is: Realots (originally realots.net) was a special server hosted by Dennis/Toor for about 4 years between ca. 2006-2010. The main reason it was legendary back then was probably that the server had an uncanny resemblance to actual...
  19. e.e

    [Italy] Zanera 7.70 - Snapshot of a Real Tibia Server (reset every 24h)

    Hi. I decided to re-host Zanera while I'm still working by myself on a web framework that I'm building from scratch (time-consuming) which is leaving Realots in the waiting room. I'll answer one hypothetical FAQ question below while most other answers can be found here...
  20. BoneZ

    [Canada] RealOTS 7.7 | 100% Cipsoft files [2 EU PROXIES] - Free Premium - No Lagg in europe

    RealOTS 7.7 | 100% Cipsoft Files is starting 1 April 12:00 DST, 18:00 CET Register your account at: www.the-realots.com and receive 365 days of premium! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Rates This is supposed to be a long-term server, hence the low-rates. • Experience will be...