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  1. M

    Solved CUSTOM SKILLS have strange values

    TFS 1.2 OTCLIENTV8 (10.98) database added skills to player table (skill and skill tries) schema.sql added skills and skill tries also vocations.xml new skills and skill id were added New skills: ATTACK DEFENCE SPATTACK SPDEFENCE all skills are configured the same in...
  2. shakal1994

    Lua Task system TFS 1.2 count party

    I'm using this creativescripts, I wanted you to tell everyone who attacks the monster, can you help me?? 1684169160 I got a creaturescripts that counts the party, the problem is that it counts the one that deals the most damage and the last hit, so it counts 2 times for the one that deals the...
  3. shakal1994

    Problem with stack runes tfs 1.2 v8.0

    Well guys, my server is an 8.0, I'm using the base celohe tfs 1.2 I put the runes to stack, so far so good, it worked!... but I have a problem, to move the runes, they go 1 by 1.... For example, there's no way I can pick up a pile of 100 runes and throw 10 on the floor for a friend, or if...
  4. G

    Lua Two costs of mana for Heal Fiend

    Hey guys, how u doing? I need a script (preferably with function in sources) that when player1(druid) heals player2, spend 35 mana. And when player1(druid) heals himself, spend 70 mana. I use Nostalrius sources, I think that is the same as tfs 1.2. This is my healfriend.lua: local combat =...
  5. ImaG

    AAC I can't install myacc

    Hi I have a problem installing myacc 0.8.6 tfs 1.2 tibia 10.98 xampp 8.0.9 how can I fix it?
  6. diakosz3456

    [TFS 1.2] Need event script Cheese

    Hey, does anyone own a script for Cheese Event? An item is drawn from the front of the player. When the cheese is drawn, the player loses.
  7. Z

    C++ Remove summon from experience map

    Hi, I need to change summon from experience map to master, then the master will receive the experience that summon would recive. I already blocked summon to recive experience, but if summon and player damage the creature, when the experience map is constructed, the experience wouldn't all to...
  8. H

    Server test Tibia 10.98 tfs 1.2 real map from this forum

    Hello. At the beginning I would like to ask if the tibia server host is legal?. If so, i would like to know if 300mbps internet is good? Will there be anyone willing to test? I would like to know what does not work there, what to add. Is a noip domain a good idea for a test project? Is there...
  9. Theofar

    [Bug Report] Item destructor

    Hello, recently I got a crash on my TFS 1.2 related to item destructor. The referenced line is: My teorie is that item is being removed from memory but without updating inventory vector from players.cpp. So, player destructor will try to use a pointer for a item on inventory vector, and...
  10. ROKI721

    [TFS1.2] Gesior AAC 2012 problem z rejestracją.

    Panowie, mam pewien problem. Korzystam od dłuższego czasu, ale z tym problemem nie spotkałem się jeszcze. Problem polega na tym, że chociaż ma skonfigurowany config.lua oraz config.php oraz całą podstawkę (apache/mysql). Nie mogę utworzyć nowego konta korzystając z AAC makera od Gęsiora. Gdy...
  11. anyeor

    TFS 1.2 Problem with fields, fields is not "under" level doors.

    Hello, Can anyone tell me in what function in tfs need to be changed so that the fields are under level doors, or that the door and ladders are always above the objects so that if there are objects under the ladder, you could use it? Thanks!
  12. Crx Molten

    doPlayerSetNoMove on TFS 1.2

    Hello guys, i'm taking some old scripts and editing on TFS 1.2. I got the function doPlayerSetNoMove, but its seems that is not this function on v 1.2 . Is there a workaround or something similar? Thanks
  13. RoyalYeta

    TFS 1.X+ Tfs/otx Real map

    Hello! I am looking for data pack tfs 1.2 with a small number of errors is there any other imbuing system after za otx? what do you think about otx? whether to choose tfs 1.2?
  14. 44 Hunter

    Scripter [PAID] Looking LUA Expert

    I'm looking for some scripter who has enough experience and great abilities with .lua to set some systems for me. If you have the skills to do a little non-standard scripting, it's up to you that I'm looking for it. I will use PAYPAL as payment method, and after reviewing your reputation in the...
  15. Homeslice

    [TFS 1.x] Automatic/Manual Lua Raids (raids.xml replacement)

    A Lua raid system designed to provide more features and customizability than raids.xml. Features Set individual raid's rarity Delay before running said raid again Delay before running after other raids Require certain amount of online players Delayed broadcast announcements Delayed/Staged...
  16. N

    Compiling OTclient tfs 1.2(8.6 downgrade) magic effect limit

    Hello i changed in source enum MagicEffectClasses : uint16_t what need to do more to have more magic effect? Where in otclient i can change value?
  17. N

    Solved tfs skill after time 1.2

    Hello i have question how can i do skill use after time. Example: function test3(creature,variant) testa:execute(creature, variant) end function onCastSpell(creature, variant) addEvent(test1, 10, creature:getId()) addEvent(test2, 5000, creature:getId()) addEvent(test3...
  18. GhostWD

    Question about vocation system(dmg) TFS 1.2

    Hi! what I saw migrating to TFS 1.2 new vocation system doesn't have spell multiplier i mean in TFS 0.4 for example we had <formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" →wandDamage="1.0"← →magDamage="0.0"← magHealingDamage="1.0" defense="15.0" →magDefense="1.0"← armor="1.0"/> but now in TFS 1.2...
  19. N

    Solved TFS 1.2 for tibia 8.6 and login problem

    Hello, i runing server, have created account but all time in client is saying wrong login or passw. Any ideas why? In definition.h i have 8.6 set :)
  20. qmerdamano

    RedBlue TeamWar

    Hello, i'm here to show my project on github, it's just like the basic team war ots, but i did some source modifications and it's for the latest TFS. The server is like, login and play, get level killing but when logout you'll need to do again, just war for fun. You can download if you wanna...