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Amiroslo Mapping Thread!

It was raining but rain stopped xD!

I don't see what purpose the outer borders have, really.

1 sqm auto border.
I suppose he's making a shape.. or trying..

"amiroslo, really, check out some mapping threads by someone else, or some tutorials or something, it wont take long, and you will learn a lot.
and if you do, I swear your mapping will be improved a lot already by tomorrow.
i didnt use autoborder here o_O
i use raw -.-

i was trying to make a shape xD

1 sqm auto border.
I suppose he's making a shape.. or trying..

"amiroslo, really, check out some mapping threads by someone else, or some tutorials or something, it wont take long, and you will learn a lot.
and if you do, I swear your mapping will be improved a lot already by tomorrow.

Lol, dont like to learn by tuts :S i like to try xD
I wasn't talking about auto border.


Look at the places I marked red, that's the outer border I was talking about :p
its a closed place, shark and tortise hangng out waiting for someone to eat?

Look at the places I marked red, that's the outer border I was talking about :p
that took me long time to make, i used raw o_O?!
bro you asked to not troll here, but you are doing it with these maps u make :D
You really do need help with mapping but i love that you try.
Me myself suck at make RPG maps and even trough my maps got some sense, i love use tibia's all items and make something new.
You can tell me that i aint a mapper but i enjoy doing it and so do my players enjoy playing on it, my maps usually are creative but dropps it "sence-effect" sometimes if you got me :U
(Bad english, tired... zZZ)

ty for ur support :)

ill post some ss later of a depo
Unrealistic, autoborder, too much tufts, ugly and too much straight lines
o.o luffy calm down, im learning xD
give me some boat tuts bla bla -.-!