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Amiroslo Mapping Thread!

Elitot i did edited the boat b4 u said :p but then i saw u did make a pic :p




About the rudder blade, i changed the pos of it in map so dont say its wrong or so
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Thanks, Waiting for more tips to improve my mapping xD
Thanks guys for supporting me :)
misq, so helpfull XD
1. see the ends of your bordering of the dark dirt? 3 long borders on one, that isn't good, you should make the dark dirt area larger so you can't have this, and oh yeah, you can't lie to me now, you use autoborder since only autoborder can make that.. if you do it manualy like that you are just dumb as hell
2. everything is less squary, so thats already a lot better, the southern part is pretty good (for a starter ofc.) but the house is a total mess, in those situations it can be a square, thats ok, but the floor and decoration don't fit there
also.. there is a terror bird... dead orc bodies and a dead pig body, wtf?
i used auto border in that ground ye, hmm terror bird for his nest and pig to drink water but terror bird killed him xD
dead orc hmm ye maby xD ill remove it, lemme try to make the house better but what ground u want me to use in the house then? o_O

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thats already better, you still got 2 border bugs in the south (dark dirt) and i don't like how the east southern corner wall just jumps on that border thing
and i suggest to use dirt and mud in the house, since an animal owns it
Well I don't think a bird that size would live somewhere near lava, plus why does it 'own' a house, that bird should be in a jungle or maybe a jungle-mountain.
well idk :p
that what came up in my mind XD
its a Cave Bird maby?!
but still he shouldn't live in a house.
oh let it be
if he wants to map crap, let him map crap
he's not listening to what people say, he makes surrealistic crap and only changes a thing if he notices it's realy realy realy realy wrong
Well, you should really check every mapping tutorial, thats the most important advice...
Also I am not flaming when I tell you this but i HATE Evolutions makeovers!

Still I'm happy that more mappers join the community. :)