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Amiroslo Mapping Thread!

Unrealistic, autoborder, too much tufts, ugly and too much straight lines
this is my way to say, i'mprove
me saying "unrealistic" means you gotta make it realistic and think about for a moment
me saying "autoborder" means you need to use RAW, but i gues you use RAW, but just make straight lines, avoid that
me saying "too much tufts" means you need to delete some tufts
me saying "ugly" is just giving an opinion, lol
me saying "too much straight lines" means you need to make it rounder
ok man, i did like cuz i didnt have time to write lemme answer u now :)

unrelealist? wtf u want more detail? hmm say to me like what :)
autobordeR? are u nab? i pressed (A) to not use it and i didnt use the tool, i was using raw all the time -.-
to much tufs? what is tufs lol!
ugly? idk i never saw a boat that flyes to be cool!
straight lines? rounder? u want a circle boat?
He do something wrong. Thinking hes mappings better than mine. Lmfao

Stop thinking your the best.
Look at Leftwing's map and you'll feel small, Amir is a well-known person on OTLand, and that is the only reason I am defending him.
And because I hate people that say publicly that they are better than someone else.
Instead of saying that he is bad, give him tips, if your such a good mapper.

I do not understand why anyone who uses autoborder would even think about saying another mapper is bad.
Sorry for my continuous rant. I had to say what was in my mind.

Dest's Mapping 'Cave'
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why do a boat have stone stairs? Haha xD
Else it's good enough, you just need to practice more on what's natural and what's possible, the more sense the nature makes, the better it looks =)
stone stair to get up stairs? xD
bro we r in 21 sentrey :p we aint in 1920 xD :p

well idk :p just did fell its cool there :p
well XD
idk i thought it looks cool there? :p
Stop being an inmature kid and do not spam this mapping thread, make yours instead, bb ;)
Thread cleaned, next users violating the forum rules will be punished. Stay ontopic.
ok man, i did like cuz i didnt have time to write lemme answer u now :)

unrelealist? wtf u want more detail? hmm say to me like what :)
autobordeR? are u nab? i pressed (A) to not use it and i didnt use the tool, i was using raw all the time -.-
to much tufs? what is tufs lol!
ugly? idk i never saw a boat that flyes to be cool!
straight lines? rounder? u want a circle boat?
It's unrealistic because of the stone stairs as first, we are in the 21 century, but tibia aint, tibia is still in the old ages with wooden boats, it's also unrealistic because of the floating wheely thing north in the east corner and unrealistic because of the too much weight of chests etc
autoborder, i don't know if you hide it, or if you're just dumb, but let's not talk about that anymore, let's talk about your straight lines, that make it LOOK autobordered, with make it rounder i meant, make the borders rounder and not the boat
i didn't say "tufs" i said tufTs, those grass things, you used too many of it
and i said ugly, because, just take for a minute a look to what you made, then go to other mapping threads, and then you'll realise what you made there, also i never talked about "flying" boats
you are skipping away my comments that contains constructive things, use them in place of switching them and ignoring them
idk, i did see other boats, not that much of differnece o_O
If i do remember correctly your cousin mapped that rofl
But good work if u did, Just keep the errors to a minimal
idk, i did see other boats, not that much of differnece o_O
it's not only about the boat, everything around it that you made...
just listen to what people say and don't always think "it's good, i don't need improvement so i'll comment shit"
you put crystals and stalagmites in open grass nature, think about details, think about what you make, just don't make something and post it, look at it, and then realise what could possibly be wrong
Look at the last picture, amiroslo.
Does that look straight? :p

what do u mean by that o.o

you put crystals and stalagmites in open grass nature, think about details, think about what you make, just don't make something and post it, look at it, and then realise what could possibly be wrong
ok ok im going to edit it :/

better now luffy?