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Andreas Photoalbum

Andreas i love you :3 <3 Haha; how have you been i haven't spoken to you, well let alone anyone from Otland in month's, since February i think. :eek:

Loving the Hell idea! Make a server you know I'll play.
Anyways off to sleep it's 2am in Australia. :)
On my way to Plate shield quest

Yours mapping look so amazing that i want to try do something myself. But i really do not like the fact you are ripping Tibia.
Btw. Can you please upload your map editor with all extra addons?
Dude you are awesome. If you released your work I might catch an organism xD. But seriously I looked at the whole thread from the first post and you have seriously improved over the months. Good job man, you inspire me!
In what way am I ripping tibia? :)

Doh... I mean you are making the Tibia myths by your way but it's still too much ripped. Blind Orc, Rook Katana Quest - too much linked with rook. However i didn't say your mapping is bad because you sure know you are mapping great. I really love the caves and the ruins you are making to be more precise.
Btw. Can you upload yours map editor with all extra addons? I would be thankfull :]
Hahahha Collz... yyou're going to catch an Organism? XD hahaha Made my day... You sure you won't have an orgasm?
Anywayz, Lovely as always Andreas, and don't bother about those stupid ripp comments.
Hahahha Collz... yyou're going to catch an Organism? XD hahaha Made my day... You sure you won't have an orgasm?
Anywayz, Lovely as always Andreas, and don't bother about those stupid ripp comments.

Sure, better make the same thing in 100 different ways than 100 new things in 1 way. Now i know why my friend said there are 5-10 good mappers and rest is for saying :
1. Good/Awesome/Perfect/Love it
2. ripp/shit/fail/made my day

He was right. Didn't seen a single constructive comment in this thread, people - come on!
Antysiw, If i understood you right you mean that if you take for example annhi, or demon oak, or inq, or demon helmet quest for you server you ripp tibia? Or is it just these not so important quests that makes you to a ripper? :)