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Andreas Photoalbum

Did i say anywhere i like annihilators at each server i played?
DO what you want, i don't care anymore. You are just too arrogant so you are giving me sentences i didn't say + those asum nuubs with leet skills calling me noob. Srry, your maps are awesome, you are not. Bye.
Antysiw, I think you should think more about what ripping really is.
I wouldn't really call this ripping, I think of ripping as someone that 100% copy's a map from some source. (I.e Picture, Video) (P.s i'm not flaming you so no im not asking you for an argument) :p
Hahahha Collz... yyou're going to catch an Organism? XD hahaha Made my day... You sure you won't have an orgasm?
Anywayz, Lovely as always Andreas, and don't bother about those stupid ripp comments.

Catch an organism, have an organism means the same thing :D:w00t:
Just a small dwarf place I made quickly


You know you're a noob when you get hit with 8 by a dwarf ;D Great mapping though :3
When I was a child, I loved to go to one of my favorite places. I called it NordeI went there every summer and just sat there and watched the massive amount of water flying down the mountain.



But due to the climate changes that wonderful place is gone,
50 years later and my poor old soul wanted to visit it onces more. The only thing I saw was this :


I love your latest work man. It's not over detailed, and it looks awesome! There is really nothing I tell you to work on because everything looks perfect in my eyes.