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[Archived] "[Quick Showoff] Post your latest maps"

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:D Looks nicer :)

I didn't have enough time, so I took a crap. This is what came out

Bridge to Forabir

quot - E.

looks smexy =)
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Nice, but delete the mangrove and floating flowers, me I don't mind the roofs so much.
Why do people want roofs so freaking special these days? I'd rather have you to do a normal roof with a little tuft on it than that.
Reduce the white sand also! Rest looks good ;)
I really tought the idea with the stone floor was awesome, mind if I use that in a piece ?
Awfull mix, jungle and swamp plants with fire
grass will just burn to death, not "dry"
the mountain behind the stairs is just too, one mountain border is enough
sorry but I really did not like this one
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