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[Archived] "[Quick Showoff] Post your latest maps"

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@peroxide and luffy

well I liked the one luffy did kinda more. well yours(peroxide) is very climate and dont always look like the same but I dont like some of the details
luffys piece is rpgish and nice to play, I think most of his details fits perfectly, but it could be better

so I think they are both good but luffys is kinda better, for me. imo.
Well, firstly, I dunno what that debris is doing there since there is no huge mountains around and I doubt ANYONE would be stupid enough to carry rocks up a building and just put it there XD

Also, for most of the time, I dislike when there is wooden poles ontop of buildings without the lower parts of the pole.

Thirdly, I would remove all the moss except for where the trees are.

And Finally, I dislike when those "custom" trees are mixed with different leaves (I think that sort of thing matches on very weird, mutated areas, not in normal grass-lands)

Also, an explanation of what the house is for makes it easier for people to give their opinion on something.
I'm guessing some sort of bar/pub in the wilderness? :p (Becuase of the tables, gives me that impression).

Couldn't say it better myself.
It's quite nice actually. The water barells and the debris don't fit tho.
I think he wanted to put the "pallisade" to give an effect as melted candle wax, not sure.
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