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Boat NPC for Free and VIP Account TFS 1.5

In modules.lua(npc folder/lib) search for:


Where is:

        if parameters.premium and not player:isPremium() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a premium account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)
        elseif parameters.level and player:getLevel() < parameters.level then
            npcHandler:say("You must reach level " .. parameters.level .. " before I can let you go there.", cid)

Add(after or before level parameters)
 elseif parameters.vip and not player:isVip() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a vip account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)

        if parameters.premium and not player:isPremium() then...
In modules.lua(npc folder/lib) search for:


Where is:

        if parameters.premium and not player:isPremium() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a premium account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)
        elseif parameters.level and player:getLevel() < parameters.level then
            npcHandler:say("You must reach level " .. parameters.level .. " before I can let you go there.", cid)

Add(after or before level parameters)
 elseif parameters.vip and not player:isVip() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a vip account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)

        if parameters.premium and not player:isPremium() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a premium account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)
        elseif parameters.vip and not player:isVip() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a vip account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)
        elseif parameters.level and player:getLevel() < parameters.level then
            npcHandler:say("You must reach level " .. parameters.level .. " before I can let you go there.", cid)

in npc script just put true if you want it to require vip and false if you don't need it(where is the parameters vip = true), in case the player is premium or not, it's the same thing, true or false (if you know how to make a common boat npc, you know how it works)

local travelNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'vip city'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, text = 'Do you seek a passage to Vip city for 10 gold coins?'})
    travelNode:addChildKeyword({'yes'}, StdModule.travel, {npcHandler = npcHandler, premium = false, vip = true, level = 0, cost = 10, destination = Position(32298, 32895, 6) })
    travelNode:addChildKeyword({'no'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, reset = true, text = 'Maybe another time, then.'})

I believe this works, I haven't tested it because I don't have otserv 1.x+ and I don't have a vip system, but I used the premium system as a base, test and tell me if it works.
In modules.lua(npc folder/lib) search for:


Where is:

        if parameters.premium and not player:isPremium() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a premium account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)
        elseif parameters.level and player:getLevel() < parameters.level then
            npcHandler:say("You must reach level " .. parameters.level .. " before I can let you go there.", cid)

Add(after or before level parameters)
 elseif parameters.vip and not player:isVip() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a vip account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)

        if parameters.premium and not player:isPremium() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a premium account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)
        elseif parameters.vip and not player:isVip() then
            npcHandler:say("I'm sorry, but you need a vip account in order to travel onboard our ships.", cid)
        elseif parameters.level and player:getLevel() < parameters.level then
            npcHandler:say("You must reach level " .. parameters.level .. " before I can let you go there.", cid)

in npc script just put true if you want it to require vip and false if you don't need it(where is the parameters vip = true), in case the player is premium or not, it's the same thing, true or false (if you know how to make a common boat npc, you know how it works)

local travelNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'vip city'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, text = 'Do you seek a passage to Vip city for 10 gold coins?'})
    travelNode:addChildKeyword({'yes'}, StdModule.travel, {npcHandler = npcHandler, premium = false, vip = true, level = 0, cost = 10, destination = Position(32298, 32895, 6) })
    travelNode:addChildKeyword({'no'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, reset = true, text = 'Maybe another time, then.'})

I believe this works, I haven't tested it because I don't have otserv 1.x+ and I don't have a vip system, but I used the premium system as a base, test and tell me if it works.
now when trying to travel, this error occurs when I say "yes"
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It worked, I had forgotten to register this on login.lua
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