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Concordia - 2nd edition


Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score

After working on my old map for about 4months i realised that i disliked hugh parts of it, and decided to make a completly new one. Not much done so far, as i try to build everything 4-5 times before settle for anything. So, as you can see it's ages from being completed but i'd love some feedback on the work i've done so far.

Main city gate (no name yet):


More to come!
What's wrong with them? Please note this is a work in progress, so please explain in detail what you disliked about things and how you think i could improve it, i will try it but if i don't like it i'll erase it, after all it's my map ;)
I don't like the squary mountains and the nature on them, you should change the yellow and red trees to green trees and use more bushes/trees :)
OK, I will play around a little with your tips, and i'll see where that takes me. Thanks for the feed back though :]
Neon, i'd like to develop my own style and not copy yours. And offtopic, that's not a tutorial, it's just a small showoff of how you made them.

Secondly, this is a city enviroment, where there shouldn't be too much details on the ground, rather more on the houses and the strutcure of the the city. If you specified what you think is wrong with my nature abit more in detail, then i might able to look into what you dislike, but as of now i cannot.
Ofcourse you want. But that might give you a hand, to handle the nature.

You don't HAVE to use it...
Hehe sorry if i sounded abit rough, and ofcourse i know i don't have to do anything. I do appreciate it, but i'm the kinda guy that want to learn things on my own and explore the almost endless posibilitys :]
I would love some help on how to construct a temple, all i make end up lame ass looking, first time temple, atleast in this style.