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Cyntara Offline Chat

Two prizes posted for a special bonus if the requirements are met.
Good luck!

nice i could use the bp of holdin and the ingots lol ya can never have too much cash :p

It's moreover that the backpack of holding will be a one-of-a-kind item.

ive always wanted a bp of holdin lol i was gonna trade shiana my norse doll for it but he/she never did :( so every1 has alot of postin to do if we want the prize :p
Gogo recruiting people to the forums. Lots of things to talk about ;)

WHO LIKES TO PARTY I LIKE TO PARTY...But On A Serious note Yeh Im Jizzing Thiking About The New Prizes ;)
hopefully not too long away.. too many ppl retirin b4 update and by the time it does roll around we might have lost sum of the best players around