• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Cyntara Offline Chat

Evertyime i check on this thread, theres like 2 new pages of text xD
Hard to follow
No one loves me on this server, all they do it shoot magic and dildos at me... D:
No one loves me on this server, all they do it shoot magic and dildos at me... D:

i helped ya :p and gilby aka denied ran like a fairy lmfao

Can't you have a civility conversation?

its a civil conversation dip shit, learn sum propper english :peace:

opps srry for the double im a lil tired still my bad :$
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Bro stop wasting your time with this faggot. He cant do shit, all he does is talk. Why would i kill carbon for lvls when im lvl 700?.

i farted it smells im going to pass out who was at the wannabe war today notice atilas team didnt come out of pz again?
Can't concentrate on making the server work when people kill me all the time! D:
Atilas Team???

Omg.. the server is off! :O

maybe.. is the uptade! :p

i can dream no? :p
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