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@Everyone of both teams lets sit down and discuss like normal people.

Well I'm not acting big like I've said many many times, I'd rather play as a member in some team than lead a team, with Veziv its the opposite way round. But hey you can think whatever you want.
Ank dara its good battle u only saying good batttle when we got massacre like Ankrahmun/or edron

Nah Ankh-Dara was shit.
Veziv starts insulting everyone and has full hate mode on lol this topic wasn't meant for it. You see Navid how he thinks? (If we can call it "thinking" because I don't believe that Veziv has a brain). I play with Calar ~1 year maybe a bit more and Veziv still calls me a newcomer and a charlover haha how sweet. I also feel sorry for LunarForce OT, I wanted also good battles I also voted for the update but the thing is that it isn't possible to have good battles with Veziv. We are bored of defs, ue combos and when he is afraid to go on battle when he has equal numbers (he actually only came out when he had ~5-10ppl more). It's pathetic if you ask me. I didn't want to go to Shadow you can ask everyone, but when I saw that 60% of my team transferred there I transferred my character also because I see no point to play on a dead OT like Veziv. He says I'm a charlover - dude you can kill me so many times you want I don't care, what I want is good battles and I don't mean this shitty ue combos on lb villa but I mean open battles or battles when everyone comes back and where no one is arguing and not any pushwars on bridge in Edron when you loose 2 ppl and rush taifun. Edron bridge > taifun > end of battle > 6 weeks break and then the same shit - it works like this in Veziv's head and we can not change it. He needs some mental help and a bit fresh air I think. Wipe Again went to ShadowCores because it's actually worth it to kill someone who loses 2 lvls and have to exp a bit to get it back and on LunarForce Veziv is still afraid of his 400 RP when he loses 30%. I don't want to spend all the time on defs I want battles, I was 400 and am 320 now - can you tell me what is charloving in your opinion Veziv? You are just a pathetic kid who has no brain and can't think logically, that's why everyone lost respect to you because you think you are someone but you even can't finish something what you have started. Also 1k warmode with Veziv isn't impossible, you knew how it would work. It would last 3 weeks and no one would log in... On ShadowCores at the begining we fought against Drako, a warmode until 500 frags - the score was 500-499 for us, the warmode ended in 10 hours and this is the best battle I've ever had
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/\ Right now you'll fight on Shadowcores, warmodes till 50 frags once a week so good luck & stay smart. (y) hahahahahha
Nice try @straatuga but as I told you and some other people these teams nowadays are full of hate, the hate blinds them and makes them do stupid shit. Like I said a while back, I would much rather play with my American team vs BRs and Mexis than to play with EU Teams if this is going to be happening now. You guys always say "Yeah Yeah lets do it gajs come on!" but then someone ends up crossing the line by either pinging or insult each other on the forum and start a shitstorm just because he died.

Teams nowadays don't have brains, even less respect. Useless trying to convince them to do something that won't ever happen.
So i actually did enjoy last warmode, it was kinda fun. I see that everyone wants to fight aswel but seems to make problems with eachother for nothing

Lets sit down and chill and just talk about it, i hope neither Veziv or Calar is gonna argue in this topic

What is the problem, Last warmode was pretty equal in numbers, wipe again played better overall even tho penguins made a little comeback and took some frags aswel it was fun, yes there were some ues but that shit is part of the game, sure we can make rules to make no ue combos, but we both know the loosing team is gonna ue to try to make some frags or a comeback, we cant change that, pinging should not happen do not ping eachother its dumb and childish, veziv got pinged and he blamed calar that was wrong, do not blame someone if you are not 100% if it was him, both teams should get more fighting spirit, fight to win, do not care about your chars please who knows next month you wont play this OT or this game anymore, and you didnt took fully advantage of your money or your char to fight how does that feel it feels dumb cause you could have won the war, this is a example of the mentality both teams should have, another thing is the long breaks between the warmodes... please some people have 20kk level 2 weeks to get some levels back is ridicilous, i say lets make a 1k warmode, yes sneaks are allowed, yes its your own fault if your botting and the enemy team logs in and kills you, that is war that is tibia that is what makes it fun and small battles happen and lead into big battles. Lets just stop arguing over pointless little things, and do what we all do best fight and have fun, i hope you wont leave the ot calar i hope you just chill and fix your peeps since you have a great team i can tell you that and just talk normally with veziv for a new warmode, and veziv you should stop provoking calar cause i know you enjoy that but it will destroy the wars between you two. 1k warmode lets make it fun, if one of you dont agree with me msg me private plz and we can talk

btw i know my english sucks
cya on the fights when i got time ;p
I agree with everything you wrote
I think we should have a dialogue between the two, to ban some things and have fun battles
/\ Right now you'll fight on Shadowcores, warmodes till 50 frags once a week so good luck & stay smart. (y) hahahahahha
Still it is better than having fights against Veziv. Fights against Veziv can't be named fights
Don't ask Calar about transfering back because he will do it once his team will start crying about the lack of battles or the ease of winning battles on the server.
And rushing over brs 50-0 are called fights? You fucking moron with IQ -20 get a fucking life hahaha
50-0? ;) We just had a "small battle" where we smashed them then they came back smashed us and then we came again and fight again. I know for sure that you even don't know what IQ means but ok hate me, insult me this is how it works in a retarded brain like yours - even Dr.House can't help you. Good luck in life
and no, we won't transfer back. How haha? Do you even have a brain AveFighter? We lost lvls because of update and went to ShadowCores, then we should come back to LunarForce and loose lvls again while transferring? WOW YOU'RE SMART then maybe Veziv will crash us when we are "low" lvls
hahahha you got smashed by some noobs on shadowcores like teletubies or Sir Bodzio team. Nice, next battle on valentines day so stay active.
should all of you leaders talk
we see that we have a server to go battles and we can recover after battles with no one to disturb
and we are not valuing it
Like I said, it's too late and we know that it is better than fights with Veziv, it's his fault because he doesn't understand some things
just shut he fuck uppppp go shadowcores and you'll cry in a week from now and want to come back. Close this thread its not going to change anything.
Bring up more arguments than a stupid "shut the fuck up" kiddo