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[France] Realistic-War 7.4 - Custom Client

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too bad about dx5 :( cant play decent with 7 fps :/
but nice server =) keep it up :)
A smart move for this server would be too remove sewers, there is currently 18 players online and more than 3 quarteres of them are in sewers fighting, I have been online for 2 hours and every single minute, 80 % of the players were fighting in sewers.
Nah, really you all try playing from USA and connecting to a Sweden computer that isn't even hosted on a dedicated server.

Oldschool tibia PvP is all about latency, I don't care what anyone says it really is true.
hoodnasty thinks he is the athene of tibia hushuasuhuhasuhauash

is actually rlly bad botter tho

tenth planet plx
Don't mess with hoodnasty, he's a tibia LEGEND, also he raps like a better version of tupac =) New and improved, also white :ninja:
Gm fucking ban Expecto annd Trololalall they havve bot and spam sd's they do not evne miss
yes i cna adimmit that Expecto and Trolo bot's hardz..........
can u put 5 second exhaust on healing spells plz

all are spamming healing spells, dont know how to use uh cuz i fk them up

no but seriously its really boring when u can spam healing spells, it should only be used incase u miss uh or something, cuz i played vs some druid.. and we fighted for over 30 mins cuz she didn't do anything but sd every 10 minutes and spam exura sio, and i cannot kill her cuz i cant 2x sd on a mage as she only gets red hp -.-
Burst + 2 sds can kill a druid or sorcerer from full hp, you can with luck kill a 50 sorcerer with a 50 sorcerer just using 2 sds
test it

i hit 160-170 with sd + 15 on burst most of the time

druids hit 210 with sd thats biic difference
Is boring play this all time fucking Thais map and very boters.
Only you open war ots 7.4 , but you no search boters and have in ass . I stop play maybe i back if you change map.
Tampik pls

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Server offline, see you some other time!
Tampik pls

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Server offline, see you some other time!

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