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[Germany][8.6] Exysia RPG || Giant, custom map! || NOW ONLINE!

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Yeah I didn't really expect this to happen, however it did and there's nothing I can do. I'm very sorry about that.

I did speak with christian, and he said he has to get up for college soon, so he went to sleep. He said he will do it tomorrow, so hopefully we will be able to get up tomorrow. Again, I'm very sorry for all this and hope you guys can understand.

In the mean time, I will add new features and events to the server.
Any suggestions for new stuff you guys would like to see?
After some deep considerations I have lowered the experience rate to keep players entertained for longer. Here are the rates:
From level 1 to level 50 is 50x
From level 51 to level 100 is 25x
From level 101 to level 150 is 17x
From level 151 to level 200 is 12x
From level 201 to level 240 is 7x
From level 241 to level 300 is 4x
From level 300 to level 349 is 3x
From level 350+ is 2x​

Your opinions?
Sorry to tell you collz but the server is stable lol... that has nothing to do with the problem
aff, I were looking really forward to this, yeye tomorrow is another day, I will still play on your server.
Now I'm convinced that you take this seriously so this will be a Awesome server!

I remember somewhere on old qanatos thread that he specifically said. The ot will be released sometime next week, this was about 4 or 5 days ago. If anything its actually comming along faster than i had originally thought it would be. Also could you post the original exp-rate system? I'd personally like to compare it.

Another thing, a task npc would be great to also see in the server.

Kill 666 demons, reward: demon backpack containing X ammounts of prizes (could be random)
Kill 2,000 DL, reward: dragon backpack containing X ammounts of prizes (random, and different that of demons)

Things like that would be great, they could be offerd from seperate npc's aswell.

Magicians of Ald'ruhn have explored a tomb in the desert, they only give access past the main gate to people who prove their worthyness. Requiredments: Kill 400 warlocks. What could be in the tomb? Demonic creatures, dragons, and ofc.. another boss to add in:).

The captain of the sea is looking for warriors to face the fearsome sea creatures of the deep, and requires his lost documents of charted waters, you must find it... in return he will sail you to an uncharted island that he has found off the coast of avendale, but beware he requires fearsome warriors and not your average chums! (use of the 2nd promotion could be used here)

Also one other thing, 2nd promo names r LAME.
I was looking at the task thing, I was actually about to implent but then I couldn't think of any adequate rewards for completing tasks. Perhaps it could be a few rare items, armor, etc. I don't really know. Possibly could have bloodherbs as a reward for one (useable for deco!).

It would have to be via the same NPC as I don't want to code ~50 NPCs in a day. I mean I could add stuff where you need to complete a certain task to enter a certain area, but really, I don't know.

If you have any suggestions for rewards, let me know. If you are up to it I'll post the list of monster tasks I can do, then you can post the rewards that should be obtainable from each one.
nono not make seperate npc's use the ones that already exist, just have them say somethin like "HALLO !!!! welcome meh shop XXX player if ju here to buy itanz trade but i r lookin for teh high lvlz for a little assistance" or something like that, yes used noob language.

but lists of rewards could be things like Annahilation teddy bear, or a panda bear, maybe items that are rarer or maybe items used for addons. Could make a "Mining dwarf" npc in a dwarf cave, he wants to explore deeper because his crew got stranded deep below and their mining exploration got cut off, and he warns you that you need to bring pick axe to get to their friends... then there could be 2 surviving dwarfs named Bubba and Gump (idk random names, yes) that when you talk to them will then use an "Express rout" out, you have to inform them that the monster blocking the path above them is dead and that you have killd it. Reward could be somethin like 30 ores, Dwarven axe (could be edited with a very meaningfull desc. or edited for higher attack value, 45~ or so) and thats just an idea, since you lowerd the rates making it more "you can explore and haz a good time, challenging and fun"... why not make some better rpg storylines? ^^.
Could also be skill scrolls. Random or predetermined. U could easily use
for a diff skill of ea. A little money, a new item, and/or a skill scroll. Addon items would be uber great too. I love mi deco and mi addons!
Thing is it's already all coded into one NPC, so that's why I'd prefer to keep it like that. I could change it out, but not in a day or two - it'd have to be in a big update sometime if I were to do seperate NPCs.
Pft. Well stretch it out. All one NPC is suxass, multiple npcs spread out, giving tasks based on their environment is where it's at!
these idea's could be put into a future update, possibly a week or so after the innitial launch, give us a week we will get plenty done, and expecting more would be great ^^.

Other things u could put into future updates would be maybe another raid or 2, furthur development into new area's that could hold some more quests and adventures, more storylines, newer quests hiddin around the map (there are some area's on the map that would fit a great storylines resulting in quests as iv previously posted)

Another thing is you may want to reduce the ammount of spawns in Inqui/Poi, because some of those spawns aren't correct, they are FLOODED with monsters in area's that they shouldn't be. Example is the DT seal in poi, or verminor. Inqui area's are debatable.
ye this server rly need to work with addon items, or addon from quests or something, not just money for all the addons..;)
You get addons by collecting items or donating for them. It is real tibia addon system.

How fun is it to collect for a difficult addon when you can just donate and get the one u want ... better to donate for addon items not Addon Super Duper Exchanger for any addon..
Nikodada, that's whats fun. To get the items yourself.
I doubt people will donate for too many addons, as I have them at a rather expensive price to encourage getting them yourself (which in fact is really not that hard, it's not as hard as real tibia).
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