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[Germany][8.6] Exysia RPG || Giant, custom map! || NOW ONLINE!

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getting full addons is a bit trickier than actually donating, some addons are incorrect, Example... warrior sword doesnt ask for the royal steel and asks for a crown armor, royal steel is a common drop from plagues which cause them to be a hot rare expensiver than your average joe addon. ;P

btw whens release? :D? im gettin drunk so plxx online D:<
Alright bros.

Got it ready! Gonna re-upload a map update, add a few new scripts and we will be good to go. Server going to open at 12:00 pacific time (one hour, 3 minutes). Hope to see you all there!
Yeah, it will be. ;)

I'm sorry for the wait guys - but we got it all fixed up and flawless, and trust me, it's better then it would have been if I released two days ago.
Exysia has now gone public.

Please note: There may be server restarts in these next couple hours, due to fixing a few bugs. I accidently uploaded the wrong map, so there are one or two minor map bugs and houses aren't working atm. These will be fixed within the hour, I will have the server up with these bugs as they aren't major.

Welcome to Exysia, guys!
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How fun is it to collect for a difficult addon when you can just donate and get the one u want ... better to donate for addon items not Addon Super Duper Exchanger for any addon..

Nikodada, that's whats fun. To get the items yourself.

What I ment was that the addon exchange item sux.... Its soo much better to collect addon items, Wrote fast maybe I wrote abit wrong so it turned out completely different XD =P
14:15 New record: 21 players are logged in.14:15 Uptime: 0 hours and 13 minutes.

pro shit.
Yeye unlimited pots.. many bugs XD well still gl
I'm trying to fix the pots, it's because the engine we are using doesn't support a certain function. Trying to find a way around it now... apparently Sam's distro doesn't support getitemparent

if anyone knows info about it, msg me or wozu
really nice map, and if someone dont know where to find good monsters to hunt or to find NPCs like me, you should use the map list at the site ;_
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